Chaos Attraction

Craft Fair Failure

2021-11-20, 10:17 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Turkey Dump - 2021-11-25
Out Early - 2021-11-24
Therapist Talk - 2021-11-23
Thgin Gninepo - 2021-11-22
The Ship Has Sunk, I Don't Just Mean Titanic - 2021-11-21


Cast list as of November 2019

(written pre-date)

Today I watched "Pointsettias for Christmas," a Lifetime movie from 2018 in which they do actually solve the problem of "the pointsettias haven't turned red yet." Turns out they needed more dark and not the city lights...I guess...well, it was very cheering to see all that red, let me say. Beyond that, it's a girl who works in some city job coming back to the family pointsettia farm to solve the flowers-aren't-red problem, where she meets a hunky farmer who now works for her dad and is all "I could NEVER live in the city!" and keeps running into her childhood rival, who now has a home decoration show on the local cable channel.

As for today's activities: (a) Ashley drove (er, her mother was driving her) down my street and waved and yelled, I was all "I think that's Ashley" but she went by too fast to confirm at the time. She called to confirm later.

(b) Picked up Rae and ATTEMPTED to go the Harvest Festival this year. WHAT A FUCKING TRAINWRECK. Now I normally arrive there around 10 when they open, but I was avoiding Turkey Trot traffic in the neighborhood so I didn't leave Rae's until 10, which meant we arrived at 10:30. When I got to the parking lot, the girl said "the event has hit capacity, do you want to come back in an hour?" I didn't figure out what she meant AT ALL and translated that as "the parking lot is full," and I was all "oh, I'll just go park across the street for free," we walked up and got into line like usual. Some annoying guy kept yelling at people about the line and did you buy online and if you bought online you could walk on in, and those of us in line were all "Yeah, if we have a coupon we have to buy in person here." So fine, we buy the tickets, we go in....and they are lining people up cattle style in giant lines and we were around the top of line 3. What they meant was THEY LITERALLY AREN'T LETTING ANY MORE PEOPLE IN THE BUILDING and everyone is standing around being let in a few people at a time when people leave. And I couldn't even see the end of the first line or if they were stopping adding people to it or anything.... Frankly, at best it looked like an hours-long wait, and I had dragged someone along who probably wasn't willing to wait that long, and I wasn't either. I gave up and left the line. Told Mom this later and she was all "You could come back later!" but frankly, I don't that would have gone well. They literally stopped selling tickets to the event by the time we walked out (maybe a half hour later). Yeeeeeesh. What a pain in the ass. If I'd known they were limiting the number of people inside, I wouldn't have even bothered.

(c) So we went to the mall instead, where I showed her all the weird stuff stores (she was not as into the store I thought she would be into), but she did find a Loki shirt and was happy.

(d) We briefly went back to town to get stuff and then went to her mother's so she could get more money, then went to Habit Burger and Party City, then I left her at her mom's.

Things I found at Party City:

They have 2021 New Year's stuff, such as 2021 Bingo with "wore same clothes 3 days in a row" "binged shows during work," "signed up for that trendy video app," "ignored the news all day," "got the vaccine," "drank alcohol on a work call," "watched too many murder shows," "cried in the closet."

They also had hanging 2021 themed things (left over from last year, perhaps?) that say "This year brought to you by WTF" and "2021 can kiss my mask," and "FU dry January," and "I'll be lucky if I see the ball drop." WOW. That is some sassy downer shit they are selling.

They have photo props saying "Uninstalling 2021" and "no one likes a cheap sober bitch" and "oh crap, what now?" and "sorry, I was on mute" and one prop with someone's head on fire saying "this is fine!"

And finally, I saw a card with a hamster dressed up in a top hat and monocle and mustache and I pulled it out to look at it...and it said "Great Scott!" on it. I can't make this shit up, y'all.

I asked about her dad's Covid and "he's better, except he has a cough." I talked to her mom and she said he was past his 14 days of the start of symptoms and doctor says he's fine, but I said I was going to stay in the car anyway. I note I kept my mask on around her the ENTIRE time except for during lunch outside. So...hopefully all is well there.

After dropping her off, I went to the grocery store for frozen Chinese food, then went home and hiked around the neighborhood for a bit, then watched "A Boyfriend for Christmas," in which a girl finally gets a boyfriend 20 years after she asked Santa for one. TELL ME ABOUT IT, GIRL. Also, me too. Dear god, I hope it goes well tonight. That I don't chicken out. That it goes well. That it isn't heinous or excruciating.

Anyway, I have been keeping busy today and mostly distracted, which is probably good.

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