Chaos Attraction

Relapsing at the Yarn Store Again

2022-11-26, 9:45 p.m.

Saturday: slept till 10:30 and that was only ended by the Lawn Guys being right outside my window again. Ashley, Jim (who wanted to drive/get food) and I left around 1 to go to Vacaville. I found pretty much all the stuff I needed for the advent calendar at Joann's and got a big sale, so yay on all of that.

Then we went to Scott's family store...sigh, I know, I know, but I needed to look for something specialized and got it (their entire stash of pinky-purple yak yarn).I figured he'd be hiding in the back again but he came out. Ashley hadn't been in the new store yet and had a good time. So yes, there was hugging and a lot of theater conversation.

Asked him if he got recruited to join Cabaret yet and he said he hasn't been contacted directly and is pretty so-so on the idea if they contact him. Asked if he's going to Christmas Carol--supposedly yes but hasn't set when to go yet (I pointed out there's not that many options left). Same pretty much goes for the Winters elf show--interested but nothing set, I said that the free Woodland theater show might happen in a few weeks after that. Ended up discussing theater stuff for awhile until Ashley hit her limit on that. Told him what shows were coming up and he said he was surprised on Something Rotten (me too) because Steve told him they couldn't get that many guys for it. Yeah, good point there, but most shows are mostly men, sigh. Who knows.

Oh, and I asked again about the B&tB picture on his aunt's phone--he forgot again--and he did text in front of me about it, at least.

...Yeah, yeah, it's not good to go hang around him...sigh...yes, I'm backsliding. Totally backsliding. I think he gets a Christmas gift after all, sigh. I did buy some gold yarn, anyway.

After that, we got Wendy's for dinner since it's no longer in town, then I went back home to get ready for the show.

Saturday show: Morgan is back (24 hour post-Thanksgiving food poisoning) and my prayers to the theater gods were answered and the show went smooth and well tonight for filming! I got Jan to have everyone go over the Old Joe scene (Scrooge Scott was all, "you have to get going on "nighty-night, beddy-boy"), and they did, and it all worked, and YAY! Huzzah! Total relief for a smooth show! Yaaaaaaay!

Didn't have much time to write things down, but here we go;

Steve to me on "rags and bones:" "My favorite line in the show."

As people put the London backdrops in with screws: Stacy: "They're screwing London again." Scrooge Scott: "They're screwing all over London again. Ask James about it, he'll have words for you." (Didn't ask, wanted to.)

There was commentary that a few minutes before the show went on that Dannette should get dressed. Felicia: "It would be a different show...." Dannette: "I'm really glad Steve gives a long speech." (Like 10 minutes.)

I got to pose for pictures after the show, which was fun. Didn't know anyone in the audience other than Beth Ellen, but it was fairly full for us, so yay there.

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