Chaos Attraction

2018 Recap

2018-12-02, 8:53 a.m.

I have a lot to update about this weekend, but since it's Holidailies (and I'm waiting to get picked up anyway), I'd better put a recap for the year up first.

January: Hey, remember how I was being all whiny about hearing from an ex and then he didn’t write back? Well, he eventually did. I went to a show he was in and...I still can’t explain what happened other than having a Blue Screen of Death moment and freaking the fuck out. Ex will never speak to me again and that is all for the best. Seriously, never ever ever ever doing that again. It was just all too weird. Don’t go back in time, y’all.

I was in a theater show for the first time and that was awesome.
I went to Pcon and Stitches West, which were fun as well.

I went to the show’s cast party and took a cool improv class. I also did a storytelling performance in the next town over.

I turned a terrible age and finally met Mom’s boyfriend. We got a new BigBoss.

May: I went to the Intergalactic Expo. I very briefly met Mom’s boyfriend’s son but he’s not interested in doing that again, so...yeah. Dudes gonna dude and whatever and I am out of care. I went to Maker Faire and it was amazing, and went to a storytelling workshop.

I was in another storytelling event and another protest.

I went to Sierra Storytelling Festival again and performed there. I also discovered the joys of silent disco.

August: Mostly I went to a lot of shows, got obsessed with the movie Crazy Rich Asians and the TV show Making It, went to the Time Travelers Bazaar and argued that lasagna can be a cake.

I had a long summer at work and insisted on going on vacation for two weeks. I went to Santa Cruz and then I went to Disneyland and Universal Studios. I also did a bunch of storytelling performances and a workshop.

On the fun side, I went to more festivals and the Renaissance Faire. and Halloween was fun. On the less fun side, I briefly lost my wallet and I found out my boss is leaving and ran into someone who got a job I applied for and now she gets bullied and found out I’m getting transferred back to public service and phone answering.

My awesome boss left. And then I was out of work for two weeks (paid though!) because the air quality was too bad to go outside. I absolutely loved that time off so much. I was a happy puppy. I went to some indoor events and movies and had Thanksgiving with Mom’s boyfriend instead of my relatives. Now I am back at work and so far things are going okay, but I haven’t been put full on back into the swing of public service yet so that is probably why. I will update more about that later.

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