Chaos Attraction

Some Slight Job Movement

2016-12-23, 9:08 a.m.

Meg was out on Thursday morning hanging out with another friend, so I hung out mostly in her meditation room working on that list of things I want in a job. I walked around her backyard on the Bridget Walk path listing the things I want the universe to help me with in this regard. I attempted meditating a little. I did some vacation texting with my friend Jamie, who is currently in the very deserted Ocean City, MD right now. I said I hadn’t been to the boardwalk because I figured it was probably pretty dead! (Also, just am not that into the boardwalk.)

Oh, and Meg got me in contact with a vocal coach friend of hers, Ariana, who sounds like she will be able to fix and rehab my voice since half the planet seems to have complaints about it. We’ll be doing it online starting in January.

I also got called for a job interview in January (time TBD), which I was certainly not expecting at this point! It’d be another office in my same giant employer, one where I do know someone (that may be good or bad--on the one hand, advice, on the other hand, she might end up on the interview committee). I don’t remember much about applying for this job at this point, but what the heck, it’s still a possible door, you know? For once. I seem to usually get one job interview per year scheduled in January and there it is.

In other news, today’s sightseeing was done at an art place called The Tannery, which featured a weekly market and open studio touring and a bit of crafts for sale here and there. I was surprised at how pretty dead empty it was, which is kind of sad--then again, this is a college town with the kids gone, maybe that had something to do with it. But we walked around and looked at things and Meg continued to meet cool people to chat with and/or possibly hang out with later. All due to me, folks. We saw a demonstration of how to make a necktie and talked to a lady who also puts lights in clothing. But...yeah, I think we ended that pretty quickly.

Other than that, we did tarot readings, made necklaces, hung out, etc. I tried to imagine the kind of job I’d want, but got into some difficulties on my saying that while yes, my dream “job” would basically be freewheeling freelance performing and travel around that just can’t have regular paychecks and health insurance... after the shit we went through with my dad dying for 10 years, I refuse to go without health insurance and now having it without having a job will never be an option again. So basically I just want a day job I can at least stand, even if it’s not what makes my soul happy. Soul is just going to have to shove it and have fun after 5 p.m.

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