Chaos Attraction

Several Days Of Blah

2023-02-03, 8:44 p.m.

Thursday: In office day. On the good news side, got a lot of stuff with spreadsheets done and had a quiet lunch with Rachel with neither protests nor preachers being annoying in our vicinity.

I did have to have an hour of training in "What To Say At The Front Counter" with NewBoss, discussing more formal language and "it is totally fine to come and get me," referring to the time a guy yelled at her so hard he had a seizure in the office. (So, y'know, that's fun.) This was followed by an hour of shadowing at the front counter, which actually went well since about half the questions that did come up in the first half hour were stuff I knew that the counter employee had not encountered before, so that worked out. I think she thought I was helpful. So, WHEW, that was not bad and the last half hour of it was quiet. So, about as good as that gets under the circumstances.

Singing lesson tonight: worked on more "Lost In The Brass" (the ending is still hard) and the verse from Adelaide's Lament, AND THEN AFTER THE LESSON WAS OVER I started counting how long that was's only 8 measures, not sixteen, and I'm not too fond of the sections before and after it, which are awkward to speak-sing. Blech, not sure what to do about that one, will have to fiddle with it...and the audition's a few days after that.

I will also have to do more of "Lost in the Brass" to do 16 measures than I intended--was doing the first section of sing-speaking, but will have to do belty stuff at the end, and go over 16 measures to finish out the phrase. Not that I haven't practiced that bit, but I'm already having some run-out-of-air issues intermittently here, so....aiee.

Ugh, and it's next Saturday! Eeek! WHY DIDN'T I CHECK THIS EARLIER?!

Friday: Another in-office day of blah. I got my spreadsheet project done, so that's a yay. I survived an hour of front counter, which thankfully was pretty dead AND I was able to totally handle one of the issues that came up. The other one was, of course, one of the dreaded complicated financial ones in which you want to say, "Go to the financial office" and of course they are all, "I did, they told me to come here," and almost all managers are at lunch...always this happens. Well, at least the lady was polite about it, and a yarnie, so we chatted about yarn, hah hah.

I did ask the girl I was shadowing if the chatbot has improved anything with regards to our office getting stupid questions they could have Googled for, and boy, is the answer no to that one, she said they're still asking stupid things AND the chatbot is giving the wrong answers. Lovely! I did give her some useful info on my job though, so that helped her.

I also finished half of the tank top I'm making for the costume during lunch--less than a week on that, huzzah! But beyond that, by 4 p.m. I WAS SO READY TO BE ABLE TO GODDAMNED LEAVE ALREADY and still had an hour.

After work, I picked up the books I ordered at the bookstore, and now I am going to hide for the rest of the weekend because it's supposed to be rainy and I am going to HIDE and watch television and craft, probably. I watched some TV and did rehearse for my auditions. "Lost in the Brass" is going pretty well except I need to remember to take a breath RIGHT before the end or I run out of air on the long note. However, I've still got the problem of figuring out what to do that's 16 bars of Adelaide's Lament. There's a 32 bar cut online but it's the end of the song, not one of the comedy bits Morgan wants me to do. I don't really want to do the long verses in which she's slow and talky and reading the book so much, especially the "see note" line because that just gets weird.

Saturday: Taking it easy today! I read in bed till nearly ten, finishing This Is Ear Hustle. I rehearsed for the auditions some more--I'm just listening to/singing along with the whole first half of Adelaide's Lament until I have more of a clue as to what part of that to prune out. I emailed Morgan about it last night, but she was at Hugo's show Friday and works Saturdays so I doubt she's seen it yet. I'm working on them for an hour every few hours, so good for me there. I don't really like the talky-medical bits of that song and hope sometime I have it memorized, but drilling it for 40 minutes at a time should probably help that.

Otherwise I'm trying to finish writing up Be the Serpent for my other websites, something I should have done in September, for fuck's sake. Talked to Ashley, who's been told she just has a "normal" cold ("remember normal colds?" she said she was told, I said, "literally nobody has normal colds any more!!!") and to not worry about it. Wrote to my Canadian pen pal, who got shit over for a promotion at work. I vaguely hope whatever I said slightly improves her feelings, I dunno. Essentially, stay until you find another job, don't put award winning efforts into this one if they don't care.

I'm debating trying to go to a show tomorrow night and checking the weather reports if the current storm patterns blow over then or not, but they're saying thundershowers tomorrow, so I dunno there. The potential show is Nunsense in Roseville, which I am not inclined to do if it's pouring and 45 minutes or so to get to that. (Luckily Friday night's show, around the same distance, is predicted to be dry.)

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