Chaos Attraction

Saying Anything

2002-02-24, 5:57 p.m.

(Written at various times Sunday.)

"What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it." -Lloyd Dobler

Euphemistically, I'm gonna say the rest of the weekend has gone better than the game on Friday night. Dave apparently bought a ton of little candles the other day and put them all around, which was lovely. What a sweetie.

(Oh god, I am gonna have to rename this journal Schmoopybear and Hugglebuns, aren't I? Where's my gun?)

We've mostly been alone, other than doing lunch and thrift store shopping with Teri and Austin, and I had to go meet his grandparents. They don't seem too bad so far, but I guess they got pissed at him for not hauling me over last weekend. It's interesting how with his family SO intros must be done ASAP, where with mine it's to be put off for as long as possible. I finally got him to watch Say Anything, which he seemed to like quite a bit. Here's how some of the conversation went:

"Please tell me she's not gonna give him that pen."

"I can't tell you that, sorry."

"Never give me a pen!"

"I never give people pens! I can't even keep track of my own pens!"

After that we watched What Dreams May Come, which I think I'm still trying to figure out. Dave loves the line about "I found you in hell, you think I can't find you in Jersey?"

Gossip mills continue to amaze me in how they work around here. Maybe it's a good thing that I've been staying out of my usual social loop for awhile, because the one here, well� I just wanna know how people who haven't been told anything seem to know stuff that supposedly no one told them. I am shocked. But given our general schmoopyness, I guess I shouldn't be surprised? People aren't blind and Dave is er, certainly trainsparent =) (I hear last week he was out shouting "I LOVE JENNIFER!" in the street.) I was looking up a date a bit ago on his calendar and found stuff he wrote about me on dates where I saw him. Awwww.

As for the date I was looking up, I'd forgotten that I'd said yes to Demma awhile back about going to this Renaissance Faire around St. Patrick's. Dave asked me to get handfasted there. Awwww. (Though this does remind me of a girl I went to school with who got handfasted to her boyfriend and then went around telling everyone they were married. We thought she meant legally married and were surprised as hell to find out four months later they'd broken up because he was being slow on the legal marriage front and she'd already found another boyfriend. Huh.) Boy, is Scott gonna have a cow, but really, he shoulda known better :P

Scott called Dave while he was at work and left some message about them wanting to say goodbye to me before I left. When Dave finally got ahold of him, they yapped about vampire for awhile and then Dave asked if he wanted to talk to me. Apparently not, as he left me a message of "Love you, I'll call you later this week." Eeep. Oh joy, I'm gonna have to tell him and it won't be fun. I don't think I mentioned this in here before, but he told me before I met Dave that he picked him out for me because "so long as he doesn't ask you to be his girl" he (supposedly) would be fine with Scott snitching kisses off me on occasion. Well, um, surprise, that moved faster than I bet Scott was figuring on. I don't know if the boys ever had a chat about my past or about the FWB thing (and in all honesty, I don't want to ask!)-I thought they had, but now I'm suspecting they didn't. Dave is pretty obviously the monogamous type (which I'm fine with, really, it's just new to me since nobody's asked me to do that before. Mom will be delighted.), given certain comments he's made to me. So at any rate, Scott's not gonna be so happy about this.

Then again, since I heard that after the first weekend Scott told Dave we weren't allowed to get married until after he and Demma did (they're in the kinda "engaged to be engaged" stage because Demma wanted to wait a few years to see if it lasts.). I heard that and then thought "He's so jumping the gun to say that!" But maybe he's already figured something out. Who knows. Anyway, I am so not looking forward to that phone call, and I hope that I'm on the phone with Dave whenever he tries to call or something. Eeep.

There's another problem.

He (obviously) wants kids.

Specifically, he asked how I felt about that and I said for reasons you can probably guess, I'm freaked out of my mind at the idea of pregnancy. (And hearing how he was almost 11 pounds does NOT help. God, I'd probably explode.) Then he said he got that, but what about otherwise, and I muttered my usual about how I think I'd be a scary parent and he said he didn't think so (biased!), and then something distracting came along and derailed that conversation (thank God). But given the occasional vague joke he made about our kids� Oh man.

On another off-topic note, geez, I hate the train ride back home more than coming up. I'm not even talking about the reasons you're probably thinking of- it's just Too Many People. (And they say Amtrak's failing? Huh?) Who are already on the train and have put their bags on all the empty seats or otherwise blocked them up. I hate that. I don't much like riding San Joaquin line as opposed to Capital, which I take to go visit my parents. Capital has a lot less people, plus I get on around the start of the line so I have my pick of seats. Even the half hour I'm on San Joaquin is a pain just trying to find a spot. Oh well, at least I got on the bus at the start and can get a good seat.

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