Chaos Attraction

People Will Believe What They Want

2021-04-02, 8:11 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Here For The Insurance - 2021-04-07
The Monitor - 2021-04-06
Shrek Rehearsal - 2021-04-05
Pandemic Easter Number Two - 2021-04-04
Masks Are The New Bra - 2021-04-03


Cast list as of November 2019

I will note that my coworkers were all "Hey, our supervisors are gone this afternoon, why are we here?" Good point. I did dutifully stay within range of the computer instead of going outside in case some email bomb went off, but I confess my brain wasn't too into work this afternoon. I don't think anyone else's was either since we were talking about squirrels and snails instead.

Somebody I kinda barely know online--that Renaissance Faire lady who had a few knitting group meetings and then stopped doing them has been doing some kind of part-time assistance stuff for my office, Well, it was announced today that the entire family got Covid and her husband died yesterday.

I am in Shrek, as a pig and a guard. At least I get lines as a pig! I guess I have to have ze German accent as well. I am surprised that a lot of my slam dunk top choices did not get the roles I thought they would, go figure. (The guy who did Pinocchio well? Same parts as me. Go figure. Or maybe they just cast that one with a woman since he was the only guy reading for it.) Casting can be a mystery.

My neighbor to my left (not Reggie) has actually been sitting outside for most of the day. I will note that before I would have stayed inside and freaked out all day, but instead I have still gone outside during my 15 minute breaks, so there. I just kept a little farther away. He went back in by the time I got off work, so no worries.

I finished the Easter eggs (no pics yet) and have now started on a stuffed syringe I found on the Internet that is very cute. I also bought a dress pattern that I think I want to try to reverse engineer.

After that I actually got together with Shanna online to watch (sorta) a Jackie and Lee documentary on Netflix that Kelly recommended. Turns out Netflix doesn't want you to share via Zoom (I guess this worked previously because Kelly was using her Webex account), so Shanna had to listen to it, and then I looked up various facts for her about Marilyn Monroe, JFK's drug use, Jackie and JFK getting shot up with "cocktails," etc. We're going to do another reading of "Jackie and the Queen," scene 2, on Sunday morning with Kelly, so we did a runthrough of that as well.

I also found out why Shanna is anti-vaccine, she thinks they're out of fetal cells and I was all "no, pretty sure I read that isn't actually the case," and then looked that stuff up to prove my point and.... well, Shanna's going to believe what she wants on that one.

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