Chaos Attraction

Negative Feces

2022-04-10, 2:26 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
That Callback Guy - 2022-04-15
Bacon Number Three - 2022-04-14
It's Not A Cat Toy! - 2022-04-13
Grandma Jennifer - 2022-04-12
You Don't Wanna Shipoopi? - 2022-04-11


Cast list as of November 2019

Set construction, day 2. People here: me, Isaiah, Rhiannon, both Sierras at different times, Arthur, Felicia. Jan wasn't there for most of the day as she apparently phantom injured herself somehow and was in bed for most of the day. I'd be all "welp, that's gonna suck for doing choreography tonight," but since I'm not in the number, that's officially not my problem to deal with.

Anyway, it was more construction, today of the bed, which mostly got done except for the headboard. I was pretty useless during the day and didn't do much other than chat and knit and occasionally locate tools or hold something in place. Oh well, I guess. Moral support here? :P After that, there's the revolving door and the coffin to be built on the next two Saturdays. Seriously wonder if I should show up for any of it. I am useless at construction.

Oh well, at least the conversations were interesting. Stuff about which people were Drama at certain points in time, how neither Steve nor I knew what was going on in Rogue One, how he hates Rent because the characters are jerks (seconded here), Isaiah asked if they could ever do A Little Night Music and Steve said no because they had a horrible director when they did it who was horribly unprepared and tried to boss Steve around. Steve ended up firing the guy at 2 a.m. during tech week and when the cast found out, they applauded. (Which explains why they usually direct everything themselves, I suppose.) Steve and I also talked about driving, baseball, presidents (I told him about the Petticoat Affair and he sounded into it and thanks for telling him!), etc. off and on in the day.

He also didn't recognize me with the hair, asked why I did it and did Jan know I was going to (yes, I'm not even sure Jan noticed today!) but said he liked it. I got several compliments.

Steve and Sierra:
"You're a funny little monkey."
"In your language, it's a compliment."
"Who are you?"
"You guys are the ones who decided to keep me around."

"Enough of this bourgeois lovemaking, let's go!"
"I thought about putting a shower in the dressing room, but then I thought, people will have too much sex."
"His grandmother died five times."
On Evita and Peron: "They may have sex, who knows?"
"I would never say orgasm in front of people."
Instead of "no shit," "negative feces."
He told a joke about a necrophiliac "when she liked them stiff, she liked them stiff." But there are kids here now! "Where?"
"If you overengineer, IT won't be upset."
"We had one of our best friends direct and we almost killed him. His name was Jennifer...."
On the Sweeney Todd movie: "The movie could not suck enough."
"My bra gets in my bra."
"Now I don't care if I skateboard into the audience."

Brunette Sierra told a story about her honorary niece being sassy. "I sorry. No please." Are you being sassy? "yes."

Sierra: "For all intents and purposes, I'm named after the beer."

Isaiah on his brother: "He lost his hair, he can go to hell."

Isaiah can't find the coffee creamer: "I'll just use 7up."

Sierra on construction: "But brute strength is working so well for us!" and "You get the quality of labor you pay for."

Arthur on a television horror show: "It's really good." Steve: "That's very nice, I won't watch it."

A trunk was dug up for Aladdin. Brunette Sierra got into it (twice, "why am I doing this again?") and one of the kids, Athena, sat on the trunk. They later switched places on this activity. "Turnabout is fair play."

"I hate L-brackets." -Rhiannon "They don't like you either." -Steve

"It's your preference, I'm just bitching." -Rhiannon on bolts

Actual rehearsal. I am still very mad to not be in Buenos Aires at all. It looks like a lot of fun and I am very jealous of all who actually get to be in it. (And of course, it's a sexy number.) Meanwhile, the aristocrats literally walk on, walk in a circle, and walk off, shoving the dancers out of the way. That was the only part I enjoyed of that. Scott ignored/didn't see me and was having a great time all night, I was surly AF and not speaking and fuck it all. I think at one point he tried to look over at me and I just hid behind the nearest person.

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