Chaos Attraction

Evita Closing Night

2022-05-28, 4:19 p.m.

Saturday night:

Oh lord, where do I start.... reuniting with people after most of two weeks of covid:

Sage: had blacked out vision and could not stand up for a day, had a fever, says they are 100% better other than "a little stuffy" but didn't bother to test if they are still infectious. The entire family has it now and dad got it yesterday.

Brunette Sierra: totally fine now, thinks she probably wasn't Patient Zero on this one, I dunno. She said she went to the doctor on Monday, got tested there, was told it was allergies.

Hugo and Morgan didn't get it at all, which doesn't make sense since Sierra and Morgan shared a water bottle.

Blonde Sierra: not doing the show tonight but did come to watch it/say hi/take the cast picture. She said she's tested negative but is still out of breath talking.

Jan: "a little under the weather today."

Steve: "I was really sick. Doing much better." Said he looked like shit on video call with the doctor, was given Paxlovid because of all of his medical shit, felt better in 2 hours. "How did you not get it?!" he said to me. "Hell if I know!" He said he thinks Friday was the day of infection "since it takes two days," but I disagree since everyone but Brunette Sierra (ill on Monday) and Isaiah (who I'm told was totally asymptomatic even after getting it Friday) got sick/tested positive Tuesday.

Brooke said her friend Belle (who dropped out of the show but came to the party) got it, so between Belle getting it and Sage's mom getting it from party attendance and otherwise not being in the show, I'm inclined to think the infection time went off sometime Sunday afternoon/night to get everybody.

Kimmie: didn't talk to her, saw her from a distance (I think she was doing sound or something, Clocky did stage managing again), but was told she has to call Brian every half hour because he's doing really poorly heartwise thanks to Covid and has to check his blood pressure or something every half hour.

Scott: I was going to try to avoid him for reasons of health and safety and likely infectiousness, but hahahah, yeah right, he comes over to hug me and here I go again. He said he tested fainter Saturday morning and you could barely see the line on the test he took right before he left (and showed pictures later), so he figured that by 8 he should be all right. (Which, I suppose, is a fairly likely deduction, especially upon my reading up on this topic later.) Later he was touching me on the shoulder during "Casa Rosada." Awww. He did say he went back to work on Saturday for about five hours and then was too tired to go on, so he went home to rest for a bit before coming here, and his voice got kinda ragged halfway through :/

Evie wanted to read about hypnotism backstage and I taught her how to cross her eyes. Useful skill for life :P

The actual show went well. They had a bare minimum of four guys in the ensemble and made it work. They just skipped Arie's section of "Goodnight and Thank You," and had Hugo sub in as one of the military dudes in "The Art Of The Possible," which meant he had a very quick change for "Charity Concert" and totally didn't make getting his Elvis-y wig on for that. Later he totally lost his hat while stepping in to beat up Che in "A New Argentina," it flew through the air in a rather spectacular way. And some large thing dropped during a quiet bit during that song and nobody knew what the heck it was.

It felt kinda weird to not have Arie around (now he's out for cigarettes forever, Sage and I said sadly while standing around waiting for money in Rollin Rollin Rollin) and they had to reconfigure the dance numbers before the show began to account for now extra ladies without partners. I snickered at the threesome that ended up happening due to that. I think I would have expected a bigger audience if they were trying to fit 3 shows into 1 show, but it wasn't much bigger than usual. I dunno, maybe people didn't go because of covid. Linda and Elliot were able to go, at least, so there's that!

Robert did text me before the show (apparently Scott still tries to talk him into going to shows and obviously this is not working) to say he wasn't going, which does not surprise me. Something about one of four shows that canceled? (Was he trying to go to four?) We grumbled about how we're in a surge and nobody is taking it seriously any more, and he said policies tend to relax around major holidays so it doesn't fuck with the economy, and we'll all just get it and have medical problems that we can't get insurance for. I think we're both depressed on how nobody will do anything about anything.

Jared was trying to draw the Evita logo on the wall for signing and the Sharpies were not cooperating. Clocky: "Make sure Evita's wearing a mask." I had wanted to write a giant list of the things we survived in this show on the wall--and then realized if I used every single Sharpie in the building, I'd drain' em dry before I got through! (Sharpie on these walls really doesn't write very well beyond just your name, unfortunately.) I said something to Jan about this show being chaotic and she was all "what do you mean?" to this. Apparently by her standards it wasn't at all. GO FIGURE. Maybe I should talk to Steve on that topic, he always has thoughts on the most zooey of shows (Camelot for covid, Mary Poppins for switching cast members and a few people being bitchy, most of the previous cast of Urinetown being bitchy, the horrible director of A Little Night Music..).

I'm going to miss people, and I especially feel guilty about not being in Music Man even though I have other plans and all that, and those of us not doing it were moping (me and Rhiannon specifically). I did get Sage's phone number--asked if mom would be okay with that and they were all "sure, they know we know each other" about that. Never did get Rhiannon's, sigh. Okay, so we get phone numbers off a cast list, but usually I'd like, have a conversation with people about it first. (Or text them cat facts, because I am a hypocrite.) I did talk to Morgan about singing lessons and we scheduled one for Tuesday.

We had to dismantle the sets and clean up the dressing rooms right after the show ended, and then Jan announced they were going to In-N-Out because they are open till 2 a.m. Scott actually wanted to go (and apparently can eat there) and Arielle did too for a change, so it was them, me, and Stacy. Stacy got in first, I sat next to her at a single table for two, then Jan came in and booked spots for her and Steve, forcing Scott and Arielle to sit apart...he chose to sit with me. Awww. So we talked about play stuff and how he was feeling. Linda sent an announcement that they are doing Midsummer Night's Dream...overlapping with Beauty and the Beast, for sure, sigh. We agreed that we both wish we could do both, but the overlap of two big shows for a month means we probably can't, and will end up doing B&tB. (Also it occurred to me later that he'll probably still be rehearsing for Music Man during the start of Midsummer.)

We also heard from Jan about Jonathan's firing--apparently he was great for 20 years, did Evita before, they didn't think he did well on Titanic but had stuff going on...but they told him he was acting a lot different than usual and can't yell at people, and his wife emailed to ask why and Jan explained that she suspects the guy has pre-dementia. Which...would explain the personality change, I guess. I gather he was also being a pain to the orchestra by playing from a book that didn't match anyone else's music, so they were happy to have him gone. Scott said that all of us in The Producers were delighted to get Boris back.

Afterwards, Scott and Arielle and I were out talking until 2:45 a.m. Then THEY kept talking until 3 when In-N-Out kicked them out, she told me later. I said that's a record for him because usually he goes home around 1 a.m. and she found that very funny. I can say this because I did get her number before taking off and then sent her a reply text after I got home and said, "Tell Scott to go home already." It was a long conversation, obviously (I think we got out of eating and then were at it for a few hours? I forget when the rest left) and covered a lot of fascinating topics. Let's see if I can remember it all two days later...

Arielle referring to herself as a "theater thug" and me being all "whaaaaaaat?" to this, Scott agreeing with the concept...I'm not entirely sure on this, maybe they feel like imposters or something? He said since he's only done two musicals, but she's done a ton so what's the excuse there, I dunno.

Scott's house fire and other fire stuff. I asked if he's worried about rebuilding in the same area that burned down and he said, "YES," and that his dad is doing a lot of work clearing out brush.

Telling Arielle about going to his grandmother's funeral and the whole "I am NOT gonna be a giggle at a funeral!" thing, after him saying that they found out his grandmother was married SEVEN times, not FIVE like they had thought as of the time of the funeral, and how his grandmother wouldn't say much about well, anything and now all parties are dead so who the hell knows. He said he thought his grandfather that he never met lasted for 30 years because "she was a bit of a drama queen" and would ignore it when she'd say she wanted a divorce. I made a crack to Arielle about "magic vagina," I presume Scott politely ignored that one.

Nonbinary terminology, and how Eden continues to be ambiguously weird on the topic and nobody exactly knows what is going on with that. I said I never know if I'm misgendering or outing and I felt totally stuck during that conversation with Scott/Hugo/Arie awhile back since I didn't know if anyone but Hugo knew at the time. Scott said he heard it from Jean during costume fitting, so I guess the rumor mill continues to continue. (On a related note, I did hear Steve grumble about Eden quitting doing lights so as to not infect the SO with covid before graduation." You're in the back with a mask, you're as safe as you could get." Um...yeah, thought same, to be honest, but I'm not going to argue with anyone on that topic these days.)

Something about people's color schemes...I suspect this was mostly mine...and the history of the yarn/quilt shop and them having a rainbow color scheme.
Shows I've seen lately, including spoiling the plot of Clue: The Musical.

Explaining Winters theater and their issues with having a venue these days. Apparently their board is not doing well and Jesse and Linda had some kind of difference of opinion, so he's...out? :( and the city manager doesn't like theater.

The time I got pneumonia and my hair fell out for a year and that's the sickest I ever got.

Scott showing the various covid tests on his phone and Arielle saying, "Now you can make out with all your theater girlfriends!" and him making awkward laugh on that topic. This turned into a thing about people making out with masks in shows, which turned into...

How Scott literally makes out with Cameron in every other show in Winters and she is his theater girlfriend there. He was all "no, we don't" and I was all LITERALLY EVERY OTHER SHOW YOU DO THAT AND PEOPLE SHIP IT. He could not argue this point. Oh, and he mentioned that Cameron and Cody briefly dated and I was all "I ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT THAT!!!!" because while they don't exactly seem like a compatible romantic couple (me: "He's the human equivalent of a Golden Retriever." Scott: "I would agree with that assessment." Me: "They were Rosalind and Orlando in As You Like It and that is exactly their dynamic in real life."), I kinda wondered after seeing them hanging out on occasion. He said it was before TnT. He also said that she's very independent, dresses from the 1920's, isn't particularly into having a relationship.

My family doesn't really care about me (I note Arielle's went at least three times) and I'm jealous of Scott's parents being all cool and nice and equal in a relationship and stuff like that. They didn't catch covid from him, btw, he just wore a mask around the house.

A fair amount of hugging, especially of the 3-way variety.

I note that they were all "we should get going, it's 2:45 am." and then they kept talking after I left. Sigh.

Arielle said "I love you" in our direction upon leaving. HMMMMMMMMMMMM. To who that was intended, I can't say for sure. That was random?

So yeah, you may have guessed from SOME of this conversation that I am certain that Arielle likes Scott like that and he likes her back like that. Seeing them act as a unit/couple after the show tonight...she went to pet his arm when we were all in the kitchen toward the end of the night... they went over to In -N-Out together and came in together...not to mention all the times I saw him proudly bragging to her parents about how good she is. (Can't say he's ever done that about me, but I'm also not good by his standards at much.)

Sigh. Kinda the worst nightmare there, isn't it: someone else likes him AND he likes her back AND presumably he wants to be with her instead of me because she's a freaking ballerina and totally sweet and cute and appropriately aged for him (I presume) and all of that? While they are in The Music Man together every day for months, as a partnered unit? (Though apparently they are no longer "married" in the show, that got changed. I guess he's "married" to Sierra now, hence the "singing into each other's faces" thing.)

Though, alternately: she may be in the same situation I am: likes a guy, he sortakinda, sometimes obviously likes you back, but it never goes all that far about it. I can certainly relate to this situation, can't I. And sympathize. And I can say from previous experience of being in a polyamorous relationship that nobody else quite gets it when you talk about your guy like the other girl who feels the same way about him too. And it's nice that someone else appreciates him, because lord knows watching him fawn over Cameron and it not being reciprocated IRL has always been sad.

And let's face it, that "theater girlfriends" comment? She may very well have figured out what's kinda going on here. I totally appreciated her nerve in freaking saying it...and then well, felt like she needed to know about his One True Theater Girlfriend as well. She's lucky Cameron won't do musicals.

So....what does one do about this particular situation, if anything? Well, probably nothing since I won't see them again until Music Man comes out, and not for very long there. But I can't help but think...polyamorous threesome? I'd be down with that. I always said I'd do it again with the right people.

This is, of course, completely absurd to think about and highly unlikely. If dude doesn't want to date anyone (though hey, she could give it a shot at asking him out, maybe she gets lucky where I didn't), this is probably SOL. But...I could see it, you know? She's super sweet and nice, why ... not? Heck, if he's not down with it, she might (har har). I don't mind as long as equal treatment happens...

So yeah, I have been considering the idea (or at least telling her the stuff I know someday/time) the rest of this weekend. I like the idea. Though it's not realistic at all and is probably even less likely to happen.

Honestly, I'm just ready for my romantic non-life to fucking change for the better already. I want to move on from singlehood, change and grow with someone(s) already. I'm sick of the total stagnation.

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