Chaos Attraction

Karaoke Anniversary Party

2022-06-14, 7:44 p.m.

Today is the day where we spend all effing day emailing big shots offering them "assistance" with a computer program (WHICH WE DO NOT USE OR KNOW HOW TO FIX) in meeting their due dates. To which some of them politely write back to say they are working on it, some snipe at us about the nag email (can't say I blame 'em), and some ask for actual assistance that I totally do not know how to give because we don't use that computer program. Hooray! I feel sorry for my new coworker having to deal with this crap today because she got a bitchrant delivered at her. I got one auto-response from one saying that she's gone until June 20 and is not only not going to read email, she's going to delete them all. I told the group Slack channel that under the circumstances I didn't see the point in sending a nag email for that, and then Grandboss said I should, or she'll send it. Fine by me on the latter, I said. As for being asked what to do, one question I actually knew and the other one I immediately passed off to my boss, hahahahah. I asked what she does and she was all "I get on Zoom with them." So we shall pass the problems off to her, thankyouverymuch.

Remember how I said I don't have anything to do with ceremonies? I got sent a GIANT BITCHRANT (as did my coworkers) about the stupidity of this weekend. I really wanted to write back, "right on, lady, it was a shit show, totes agree," but instead had to mealy mouth say I've forwarded this on to upper management, our office doesn't have anything to do with this, and have you emailed the CEO of Giant Org this? I presume she has, I bet this lady bcc'd literally everybody. I did say I was politely saying that I hope they learn from their mistakes...that was as explicit as I could probably get away with if she forwards my email to the entire world or whatever. SIGH.

I note that this lady, in addition to the other stuff to be reasonably upset about (i.e. NO warning about sudden time/ceremony changes), she was upset that the commencement speakers didn't get to speak and "I remember mine 30 years later." Me: good lord, I didn't remember any of mine 5 minutes after they stopped talking.

I had to down two more cups of tea and honey (my therapist suggested putting booze in there :P) and chicken noodle soup, but my throat eventually went back to normal after that experiment, thank goodness. I'm kind of afraid of going back to practicing the song now? Though I sang a few bars to my therapist and she said I did well "and sometimes you've made me wince." Honesty!

Therapy notes: "You always feel very limited." She had heard of the song I'm working on ("Fifty Percent,") and said she asks her clients in relationships what percent they need in theirs. I said I have no idea there but am at about 40% at work...oh well. She noted that my mom had to have her life together (i.e. get boyfriend) before I was allowed any breathing room, and that my parents being such opposite people is like me always having parts of me that are fighting me.

I got a letter from Cameron, which was great. Sounds like she is having Family Drama right now because her brother and sister are becoming single (her brother in law is a sex worker cheater, no less). Oy vey!

Karaoke tonight:
* Jerry and Karen's 50th anniversary party!
* Some people were wearing what were basically "I love assault rifles" T-shirts. I can't even with this but politely kept my mouth shut. Like I am the most neutral on gun control person you may ever meet (explanation: I don't care if you have guns as long as you practice proper gun safety and don't mass murder, BUT I would dearly love some interventions to prevent those inclined to mass murder from mass murdering) and even I am all "cannot remotely think of any reason why someone needs an assault rifle around their house unless they wanna mass murder." Like...were they in the military or something? I have no idea, I did not ask, I am not gonna bust up a party.
* Betsy said that she and her husband didn't make it to 40 years because he died, but she wanted to sing a song she was going to sing to him at their 40th. Awwwwww.
* Jerry did "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini."
* The dad and one of his sons from last week did "Dream On" again, and "Gangnam Style." Y'all, hardest thing in karaoke is singing it IN KOREAN. Those are loooooooong words, man. There's a very few English words in it ("sexy lady" and "baby baby") and that's it, brah.
* Stephanie did that "one pill makes you larger, one pill that makes you small" drug song, whatever it's called. * At one point Jim was singing and Heather was doing the cowbell around him...very loudly and crazily, I seriously wondered if she was accidentally going to hit him in the head with the drumstick.
* Rae had a caregiver there, Daniela, who was SUPER sweet and nice (she took over for Rae's mom, who left early).
* Rae's mom told me about bringing her knitting to jury duty and being told she couldn't bring it, and her saying that knitters usually don't want to hurt anyone EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHO TAKE AWAY THEIR KNITTING....Ahem, agreed!
* Betsy sang "When You're Good To Mama" from Chicago, VERY SEXAY.
* Laura spent a lot of time trying to get her fiance on the phone. Apparently he was gaming and his 4 year old nephew kept answering the phone and not giving the phone to the fiance. Eventually he finally called back. Laura found this annoying and was all "I don't want to have kids." Hear, hear. She also said she hopes to keep him off the PS5 more upon marriage. I wish her good luck with that one.
* Ashley is wanting to make a rhino and found a flowered one to make. I introduced her to the "Fifty Percent "song after karaoke ended and she liked it--and belted it perfectly like right off, of course.

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