Chaos Attraction

Some Surprise Casting

2022-06-30, 8:15 p.m.

I have updated the cross stitch project for May.

Work staff meeting:

IBB is requesting in the budget letter to hire people: 2 techies and a replacement supervisor for me.* Teresa was all, "I used to have that job, it's why I left the public service team."

I seriously wonder if anyone else would give me a less putrid review...
IBB said he wasn't adding electronic Important Documents to the budget request because "It's probably not big, big money," and he wants to ask for that separately--either for spring 2023 or 2024. Not sure what to make of this.

Teresa's retirement party is going to be a literal PETTING ZOO OUT ON THE LAWN AT WORK. Apparently they had to get permits in case baby bunnies were dangerous. I was all excited, then remembered, "Oh, I might be on jury duty that day (it's a week after my jury duty call), darn it." Well, assuming I get on, let's hope it ends on Thursday so I can go on Friday.

Quotes from the meeting: Teresa on fireworks: "When you have the 4th of July at the trailer park, things can get festive." Like pouring gasoline on your fireworks for extra bang!

Grandboss said that people used to put butter on burns. Me: "What did that do?" Her: "It burns!"

Other than that, I made YET ANOTHER FUCKUP today, SIGH. Someone gave me a list of names to be approved by the Gods of the Giant Org AND TOTALLY NEGLECTED TO TELL ME AHEAD OF TIME THAT THREE PEOPLE SHOULD BE TAKEN OFF THE LIST and then was all "why are they on here? I didn't have them on MY list." To which I tried to very tactfully point out, "Hey, do you remember when I gave you a list of potentials, and you gave me the list back with who you wanted on the list and who you wanted off the list? Those people weren't on it. I NEED TO BE TOLD THIS SHIT BEFORE THIS HAPPENS," and had to explain that the tech team runs a job for this stuff, nobody manually keyed each one off her list individually. Apparently this was some last minute change on her end and she didn't know how to deal with it. So then I of course had to take the blame, write a letter of apology to the Gods again, my boss signed off on it...and then was all "Um, technically you did not have to ask them for someone who wasn't on their list." FUUUUUUUUUCK 20 YEARS HERE AND I CAN'T STOP BEING A FUCKING FUCKUP. I am also depressed to realize that I'm going to have to manually check 100+ fucking names every single time here. I thought I'd gotten the rest of them to stop doing that shit. Sigh.

Other than that: I did mail for an hour, I went to lunch with Rachel and knitted (she said she heard a lot of people in Bye Bye Birdie got it too), it's still kind of hot despite not being all that hot, etc.

The Beauty and the Beast cast list is out!
* Jared from Evita is Beast.
* I don't know who got Belle, but it wasn't Morgan--I note she and Hugo are not on the list at all. I guess they gambled and lost. I'm sad. Oh dang, and I just noticed Dannette's not in it either!
* The guy who got Gaston I saw in Titanic but that's all I know about him. I confess I'm a bit relieved that AJ-of-the-no-masks didn't get it so I don't have to worry about that.
* Felicia's husband got LeFou
* Scott got Lumiere! Huzzah! He got an actual part!
* Molly got Enchantress...happily a role with no lines.
* I don't know the people who got Mrs. Potts/Cogsworth/Babette/Chip.
* I think the one everyone assumed would get wardrobe got wardrobe, Kat.
* Sierra, Felicia, and 2-L's Rachelle got Silly Girls.
* I think it's Tim from Mary Poppins who got the young prince/asylum guy.
* Ensemble people that I know: Jillian, Alisa, Anna from Mary Poppins, Felicia, Jan, me, Annie, Jean, Shorthaired Sarah, 1-L Rachele. I'm surprised that someone who's lead actress in one show didn't get a lead, but...who knows. (No Arielle.) I note the final line was "Other parts, such as Wolves, Napkins, etc. will be assigned later." I guess Steve did read my form :P

Congratulated Scott and Sierra on that one. She's excited. He said he hopes to be in the Belle number because there's only one ensemble guy, and I said "depends on if you have to wear gold paint or not, I think" and that he'll have to shave. He said he's fine with that, grew it back so he wouldn't look as young compared to the barbershop quartet dudes.

Rehearsal starts July 5. It occurred to me that if the party is held during "rehearsal" time, maybe it's just the leads who don't know Tomas rehearsing that day and everyone else can party down, which would make sense here.

Per this whole "testing twice a week" thing (shudder), I counted how many tests I have at home now (16) and how many weeks' worth I'd need for the show (26) and ordered two boxes of 5 tests each off Amazon, which comes to nearly $100. I saved the receipt for reimbursement...and of course the HMO website is down for that. :P

Singing lesson: I commiserated with Morgan/offered virtual hugs. She said she and Hugo put themselves down as a package deal and he put himself down for ONLY Beast or Gaston (and she put herself only as Belle) but was still all, "well, he could have made it work" with just casting her. I'm not sure how the package deal thing works exactly, but if he absolutely wasn't going to cast Hugo in either, I assumed it definitely meant not her either? She was also annoyed that the girl who played Ariel in The Little Mermaid* got it, and was feeling like she always misses out on parts, even if she gets cast in parts...I presumed this meant "not getting the lead." She asked Jan why she didn't get it in Evita and the entire explanation was "you didn't look up enough," which uh...sounds odd to me too. Like...that's it?!

* Me: "The one that got fired for being pregnant?!?!?" No, the one that replaced that one.

She said she may very well audition elsewhere, and that may be a good idea. If you always come in second to whoever gets it all the time, that does suck. I presume, anyway. (I can't even get tiny roles so what do I know, but oh well.)

Anyway, after that...I did sing "One Day" for her (she knew it!) but mostly we worked on Fifty Percent again, which happily I went back to practicing the hour before class started :P She had me doing knee bends and singing the lyrics with "blah blah blah" to get the deepness/rhythms, I think? She said "You're matching the pitch, it's just technique," which was very flattering. Like I guess I'm kinda...almost...what she wants? I said "I figured we'd work on this for months," and she was all, "Oh, we WILL." However, besides that, I have been assigned a new "head voice" song to work on, "Once Upon A Dream" from Jekyl and Hyde.

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