Chaos Attraction

Warm Body/Dead Body

2022--09-12, 9:29 p.m.

Today at work: in the office, feeling sleepy, having mail drama yet AGAIN. Two people who had shipped via tracking number claimed they didn't get their Important Documents. One of them was marked off in the computer as having gotten it, they claimed they didn't to us, multiple times, and said they were told it was returned here. It was not. The second one didn't contact anyone, but just placed another shipping order to Black Hole Of Mail Country, and when I was all "da fuck, we already shipped this," there was a note on the old order saying it was being returned. Da fuck?
Then we were supposed to receive more ID's for tracking number shipping today, but it did not show up, no delivery--but in the computer it said that it was shipped here and signed for by "Kristy." We have no Kristy here. I contacted mail division and they said they don't have it or have a Kristy either. Da fuck? The only "Kristy" I could find was...the second person I mentioned having the name in their email address. But package #3 was going directly from the printer to us, not to "Kristy" at all, so WHAT THE FUCK?! That was my day, people. Gee, what a shame, I just couldn't get to the group emails today because I had to go through a list of 70 ID's to see if anyone else had problems (not that I could find).

In the land of adulting, I did the following: (a) made an appointment to go pick up my stuff at the CC on Wednesday, then realized I will probably have to drive my car here (and pay for all day parking, wah) to haul it all, (b) made a sorta-appointment to go get all the rest of my shots (flu, BC) on Friday morning to get them all over with, or at least booked to get out of work, (c) paid for ONE session of tap dancing class and turned in my pre-class paperwork. I asked if I could PayPal it and got sent an invoice for one class, not the # of them I was going to try to sign up for. Sigh. They take cash or check and I fear I may have to actually pay in cash for more later, sheesh. I can't get there until class starts on Wednesday thanks to having to go to the office, so....yeah.

After work, Rae called the other day wanting to meet up at the Halloween store. However, I went to look it up and online says it's not open yet. Tried calling/texting her and got no response, finally said, "I hear it's not open, if it's not open, I'm not going over there," never heard back, and proceeded to stuff my face, kick back, and relax since I have the night off. Worked on cross stitching instead, wrote a book review on a depressing book, working on another book review because I'm super behind on those, watching Sandman. It's nice to have a night off from all things once in awhile. I may need to take another one on Saturday during the day, if I'm a bit more recovered to finish other stuff.

Other stuff from Saturday:

Sierra was saying she misses Blonde Sierra, who has now moved to Riverside. I hear ya, girl. I feel sad that I finally got the video for the Spring Fling and can't show it to them both like they asked. (I need to get on the stick about emailing it to people.) She also mentioned finding an "age appropriate" woman to fix Isaiah up with--I'm guessing he and the girlfriend are done from this conversation? And that he was dating 20somsethings and Sierra and Morgan did not approve? (I note Isaiah is 40 but like me, doesn't act/look it.) Sierra also said sometimes he can come off as really gay and I was all, "yeah, I REALLY wanted to say that after Music Man!"

Jean (actress)'s husband actually said I did well last night, and I said thank you, I don't think people really notice what I'm doing here, and he said the ensemble is the glue that holds it all together. Very sweet of him.

Re: me singing Satisfied, Morgan said something about wondering if I was going to do...I don't know WHAT she said, it was a noisy bar, but some kind of fancy technique, I'm guessing. Obviously I did not since I don't know what it is, and she said "don't try it!" That's fine, I have no idea :P

Conversation about how the Silly Girls are bitchy (Rachelle), brainless (Katrina) and bubbly (Sierra). I said they were the Powerpuff Girls. (Also how Sierra, the darkest skinned of the bunch, got the blonde wig, because it was the most ridiculous on her. That said, she wishes she'd gotten the red.) There was also commentary from Morgan about how Belle (who doesn't care) and the Silly Girls are the only ones without hats...which is because they're uh, ladies of easy virtue. Me: "So Gaston thinks Belle is a whore, then?!" Her: "No, he won't marry one."

Other stuff from Sunday: I wrote on the form for what part I wanted: "warm body/dead body" (seriously, also a legitimate joke for the show, I'm only sad Steve isn't the one reading it--I presume, anyway). Literally would take anything...probably not gonna get anything.

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