Chaos Attraction

The Battle of the Beds

2002-10-04, 8:09 p.m.

I came home from work to find out that Dave wanted to rearrange my bedroom again. Only about half of it this time- to put the bed sticking out in the middle of the room and shove the desk over to where the bed was, so he wouldn't feel all claustrophobic up against the wall while in bed and wouldn't have to climb out on top of me. Fine, whatever. Then he and Hill start talking and decide they want to move everything ELSE in the room (including the two huge, overladen book cases and the dresser), and do stuff like stick the armchair at the very end of the bed for a footrest. They were baffled when I said "Um, wouldn't placing that there mean that we couldn't walk into the room any more?" I honestly have no idea what my room's going to look like when I get home today.

And after all of that fun with the room rearrangement, did Dave sleep any better last night? Hah, what do you think? The good news is that he did actually go to bed with me, the bad news is that I woke up and found him crashed out on the floor. This annoys me greatly somehow, plus I feel kind of evil for (inadvertently) driving him out of the bed. I suggested that tonight I go sleep on the floor or on the couch in the living room and give him the bed, since he doesn't seem to get any rest if I'm around anyway. He was all "NO." Oh, and apparently the floor is more comfortable for him to sleep on than my bed.

*insert huge, enormous, frustrated groan here*

I feel trapped into getting a bigger bed. It's one thing if he's only here a few nights at a time a few times a month, it's quite another when he's here more often. This week he's been staggering around with burning red eyes, chugging frappachinos, sleeping all day and sleeping through noises (he normally doesn't). According to him he's never done all that well in my bed, he just wasn't mentioning it to me (at least, not every single day like he's doing now). Hell, he'd like me to have any kind of larger new bed TONIGHT, or at the very least buy one TONIGHT if it can't get delivered tonight. He's not making me or begging me, mind you, just going on about all the different benefits of bed, but still...

Dammit, I wanted to keep my money and not spend it on a new huge bed *right now!* Next year, fine, but not NOW! I need a new mouse for the desktop (it won't double click any more), my scanner's crapped out, there's that Palm I'm wanting (albeit Mom said she'd give me that as an early Christmas gift so I can write my novel, YAY!), and I should be saving money for presents/engagement ring for him/reserve if I get laid off in the next round of budget cuts. And it does piss me off that he can't help pay for any of it. I know he can't help it right now, he REALLY shouldn't be spending the money, the thing will be residing at my house, etc., and he's upset he can't either, but... there's not a damn thing I can do about it either. I can say no and continue to watch him stagger around sleepy whenever he's here and feel guilty, or get a little broker.

Ugh. I don't want all the financials to be on me, but I can't think of any other way to do it right now, short of taking up bank robbing.

So after work today we're comparing futons vs. mattresses. Sigh.

Topping it all off, I told Mom this and now she's convinced that Dave's trying to force me into letting him live there with no rent, not to mention forcing me to buy him a bed when he doesn't live there. She wanted to give him a private talking-to on Sunday *shudder*

Gah. I feel like I need to hide in a hole or something.

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