Chaos Attraction

Crazy Guy in the Parking Lot Again

2022-10-13, 8:57 p.m.

I ran into one of my old work buddies from my old position this morning when I came into the work building. We've kind of been wondering why she left her job to go into a financial office--well, today I found out why. She was getting bullied in her old office. For SEVEN YEARS. This lady was reported a bunch of times, and not only did nothing happen, she keeps GETTING PROMOTED. I don't know who this person is (not sure I could figure it out either since I don't know a whole lot of people there), but EEEEEEK. I said yeah, mine got a temporary promotion and one of the other ones just came BACK here, too. Bullies succeed, victims just have to leave their jobs. She said the people there were all nice, though. She suggested I work there and I said that I cannot do a financial job and she said "no, it's just procedures," but I dunno about that. I finally told her to let me know if she thought she saw something promising.

Then we had an overall multi-office staff meeting. They have this whole "kudos" thing going on in the slide show and my bully got plenty of kudos, because she's so great! I note that old work buddy submitted several to her new coworkers, and her old job was saying they were severely short staffed. Gee, I wonder why??? (On a related note, we got another email from another office saying they're short staffed as heck and another person left again.)

Alas, we're losing the Interim Big Boss, who I quite liked. She said stuff like "we asked for 2.1 million and 10 jobs, we got 1.1 million and 9 jobs and several jobs with temp funding," and "we got more investment than any other department." Otherwise, they've gotten a lot of job hirings, BUT our "engagement scores" are down 10 points...can't say that shocks me. "Every department has their own special pain they went through." I note there was nothing said about funding for electronic Important Documents in that?

And then we had another meeting....they have finally selected a new supervisor for my unit and it's...Adventure Girl, who's only been in her current supervisor job for six months, so THAT was a surprise. Which means that yet again, we're short staffed and they're asking one of us to apply to be a temporary supervisor. God, I hope it's one of the public service people that applies for it and gets it and not one of my teammates (admittedly, I don't think either of them seem that inclined towards management so hopefully not), but the Office Shuffle never ends.

I like Adventure Girl and all that, and she does a good job, and I don't have any quibbles on that and god knows I like it when we hire people who know what is going on. But I admit I felt like...dammit, now I don't get a clean slate like I might have with a total outsider, dammit. :/ But that's a pig in a poke, so. Ugh, I'm gonna have to change the naming around here since current boss will now be grandboss, and grandboss will be great-great grandboss...which sounds just silly.

Well, maybe I'll get less reprimands with another link in the chain, who knows.

Oh yeah, and grandboss today told me that the character limits have been fixed!...on first names, anyway. Supposedly. Now, I saw another improvement in the database and let my boss know about it--Grandboss was all "Oh, you can't actually USE that." DA FUCK. So I was all "um, when can I use this," and she said "I just heard it's in production, so right away!" and I was all "uh, are you SURE," and she was all "just go test it sometime." Okay, fine....I guess...who knows, don't believe anything until it happens here.

After all of THAT...I had another very slow day at work after doing the mail drama. I spent all day waiting around on Quarterly Project approval, which finally came in at the end of the day. I read a lot of email instead of crocheting, but I did do a lot of sewing onto the blouse during lunch/breaks.

I will note that I sat through a work lunch presentation and had people constantly messaging me, knocking at my door and calling during the darned thing. The caller was Rae, wanting to go out to some park festival thing tonight before rehearsal. Okay, fine...I guess....

I got the shoes for the Encanto costume in the mail. I dunno about these, they are mildly uncomfortable (why are woven shoes in a pretty large size tight on the top?!) and that's usually a super bad sign for me, but I'll have to wear them around the house and see if I can stand them.

After work, I got Rae and we bummed around the new outside fair/food/concert thing going on downtown. We got giant lemonades, I got a hot dog, and she danced around. She kept asking me if I was going to and I was all "I'm gonna be dancing for 2.5 hours and I need my stomach to settle first." Her mom was supposed to meet us there but didn't show up by the time I left...hopefully everything was okay after I had to leave.

Rehearsal: Fezziwig's Ball, Round 2:

On the good news side, Virginia is back, thankfully only had a quick aliment and passed all her covid tests.

On the bad news side, an obvious Crazy Guy (probably the usual one who shows up periodically, I'd guess) started hanging around in the parking lot when I arrived. I heard him yelling at a guy coming out of the other building and I ran inside and said to Steve, "There's a crazy guy in the parking lot again." Steve got up, looked out, and was all, nah, he's fine. Sage and Soji saw him too. However, I was right because around halfway through Steve came in and told me the guy had come into the theater and was saying things and Steve threw him out and called the cops. The door was locked and we were told to get an escort out when we left (Omar did it).

Rehearsal went well, we're getting things down, it's a fun dance, nothing too crazeballs happened otherwise. Boris is on vacation again (me: "Disneyland?" Steve: "No, he said never again.") so we either did it musicless, or halfway through Steve figured out the recording, which was going a bit too fast in some places and a bit too slow in others.

Noel said she has tried ordering shoes and wigs online and is having her orders canceled, the shoes still haven't shown up, and she hasn't been able to find whatever freaking shoes Jean wants anywhere. I said I'd probably have to drive to Capezio on Saturday mid-set building if she wants to come along, we'll see.

Marin and John (both tall, thin blonde guys with glasses) got mistaken for each other. Not sure how thrilled they were about that.

Quotes: Jan: "That's what I get paid the big bucks for..I don't get paid anything."

Noel on watching the lifts: "So charming, glad I'm not there."

Steve the Beadle: "You broke my one good dancing finger!"

On the "Diet Coke" line in the script, Jan said, "I should have Kimmie bring out one." Steve: "Then you'll have to belch." Omar: "Can I have confetti in it?"

Steve: "Shut up, Steve. Not YOU Steve, ME Steve." Other Steve (the Beadle): "I'm already quiet."

Omar: "Steve, stop yawning, you're making me yawn."

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