Chaos Attraction

Hasa Diga Covid

2022-11-03, 9:07 p.m.

Work: again, not that much to do today. I had two interviews to do, one canceled (thankfully it was the latter one so I can sneak in eating). The one I did end up doing was about the most painful interview I've seen of all time. I'll say it was a very young person who wasn't articulate like, at all was a lot of blank stares and pauses and asking us to repeat the question, more blank pauses, then not being able to answer. Had no clue how to interview. Had a great resume that seemed very go-gettet-y, but in person, I don't think they'd deal well with working here. Also said they don't do well with working in noisy environments (which when you have to come in here, it may be) and when asked how they'd juggle work and everything else, um...really no idea. It was painful. After like 5-10 minutes I knew we weren't hiring them and yet we still had like 9 questions to dredge through. I explained one of them to them a few times and they still didn't get it/had no answer. It was an agreed upon no instantly, and one guy, said "I need a break after this." Amen. Sometimes we get young'uns who are on the ball, but not this one. Oh well, sounds like they have at least four good candidates and two more people to interview for a fifth slot, so fingers crossed.

I left at noon and went to go see The Book Of Mormon, which was THE best presentation of it I've ever seen. They have updated it for the modern era, which is to say they cut the lame typewriter/text jokes and replaced them, and a lot of other bits that were slightly off, with Facebook jokes.

* The guy who got accused of raping a baby is now...I think they said he told his brother to do it. "Where did you hear that?" "Facebook!"
* Nabalungi seems to have gotten herself a proper tablet with Internet access in Uganda "so I can go on Facebook." Later she uploads the script of "Joseph Smith: American Moses" to the Mormon church Facebook page.
* This cast had delightful use of hand gestures. They did a wrist twist and a "raise the roof" every time "Hasa Diga Eebowai" was said. McKinley gestures at crotches. The General keeps gesturing "hold off, hold off" as he lets Elder Price do his crazy thing.
* The guy who gets murdered is standing up for his wife (and her clit).
* About the one thing I wondered about was that the Mormon official guys during the play don't have much reaction, even though one of them blows fabric diarrhea in their direction and then two other guys go after them with their large penises. Which was delightfully rude, but they really don't react much. Then again, I guess it'd be hard to be acting out Even More Horror Every Second for three minutes like they should be being?

Oh yeah, and did I mention that they had a "Hasa Diga Covid!" shirt? I BOUGHT IT IMMEDIATELY. Every time I see their magical fuck frog, I kind of want to get it, except it's not that cute/kinda expensive for not that cute. Maybe I'll just make my own?

I note that the people before me in line were being warned about the language. "Oh, you'll spot it immediately." I didn't see any old ladies stomping out at intermission--I note the ones by me were sweetie pies in stylish outfits who admired my knitting--but I did walk by one lady on the way out saying, "It's a very weird story. I'm glad I saw it,'s hard to understand when someone tells you what it's about."

Rehearsal: one last run through, went pretty well. Felicia was out on a business trip for a few days and now, of course, is feeling ill...SIGH. Jan said if anyone goes on a trip these days and gets sick after it.... test a lot. Or just don't go anywhere, if you're me.

There are certain songs that sound very alike and have slightly different lyrics in parts than the usual, so we're mumbling through those. ("Learn the words." -Boris) I was trying to drill them on breaks and with Maya and then we were all blanking out. Ugh. Specifically the very similar lyrics of "Dancing On Your Grave" and then a section at the end that slightly changes the lyrics we've been doing for the rest of the show. Grrr.

Quotes: Steve: "Is (Scrooge) Scott involved in this?" Me: "I think he's in the show." Don: "He has a small part."

Suggested to Scrooge Scott if he forgets a line: "say humbug again!" "When in doubt, say humbug!"

Morgan was doing the "Urinetown chug" dance she made up backstage, singing, "We're not sorry! We're not sorry--" (accidentally bumps into Soji) "I'm sorry, Soji!"

After that, Jan went through all the costume changes. This is going to be a headache. :/

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