Chaos Attraction

The British Royal Family

2021-05-07, 8:49 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Recording Snark - 2021-05-12
Abuse in the Building? - 2021-05-11
Rushing Things - 2021-05-10
Times Have Changed - 2021-05-09
One Take Steve - 2021-05-08


Cast list as of November 2019

Again, not much to say about work, other than the one outstanding thing I waited on all week finally got finalized. Huzzah and yay. Pfizer is finally asking for regular use only approval within six months, which I deeply hope it means everyone is forced to get the vaccine through Giant Org.

During Yarn Club today, Yemi was on fire: * Like me, Yemi has decided to give up on jeans. Whoever liked them anyway? "I'm not panning for gold any more...." * When Other Jennifer was talking about peeing outside (I swear it wasn't me bringing that up): "I have a middle-aged bladder. It stays inside. With four walls." * Then Yemi mentioned a kid she knew...."He did that to himself, but his nickname is now "Pee Outshide." As in, "How's Pee Outshide doing?" "He's fine, he's going to college...." Other Jennifer: "These things stick."

After work, I drove the car to fill it with gas and wash it, and then I decided to park it by a park on the west side of town. I rarely go to the west side of town because there isn't much of anything to do there and it is mostly housing, like one shopping center, and the cheap gas station/car wash I go to on the way back and forth from Winters. But I found the biggest park I could find in the area, parked the car, and then walked my way through what I am pretty sure is their entire greenbelt section. I found weird graffiti, a dinosaur park (oddly enough, not all that close to "Dinosaur Place" street), some mosaic art pieces, pools, schools, interesting athletic equipment and playground equipment, some fun swings, Little Free Libraries, and a spaceship.

On the way home I drove by the house with the flamingos and she had decorated May Day Pole-themed style with the tree wrapped in streamers and little flower crowns on the flamingos. I then drove a little farther and found a Chinese cat shrine and "seedge," a free seed fridge. We have "freedges" around here on occasion for homeless people who want refrigeration, but the seed fridge is new. Also didn't know you had to refrigerate seeds? I sent several weird pictures to Kelly and Shanna of all of this.

Really, my town is very nice and suited towards my level of weird. It's quietly, cheerfully weird, not scary weird like SF/Berkeley. Sometimes I feel bored of being here, but overall it fits me.

Then I went home after 10k steps, rehearsed for Shrek, and tried to use up some more frozen food in the fridge. I managed to clear enough space to put my ice pack and a bag of bread in there, so there's that!

Off topic, reasons why I follow the British Royal Family:

(a) They have been reality television since before reality TV was invented.

(b) Most of them are not that attractive/not models/not actresses, and at least 60% of them are dedicated to being as boring and bland as humanly possible. The 60% of them don't seem particularly interested in famewhoring or showing off and just kinda act like they just want to go back to their garden/horses/hunting/whatever.

(c) However, the other 40% somehow manage to break bad, rebel, party, get divorced, and in one special case, probably broke the law, and then we get to watch how they deal with that.

(d) They really have no idea how to have emotions or feelings or raise anyone to deal with them, so the Royal Family's sad frozen dysfunctions continue from generation to generation.

(e) This is a terrible family to marry into. I think more people have gotten divorced than stayed married in the last what, three generations? I've lost track of who's still married. They do NOT treat people who marry into it well.

(f) For a family who doesn't like to show off, be a star, be ostentatious, whatever, THEY SURE DO GET PISSY BITCHY IF ANYONE OUTSHINES THEM. VENGEANCE HAPPENS.

(g) This especially happens when say, attractive, friendly, caring ladies marry into the family.

(h) The public eats up finally having a royal who relates to them, who cares, who's nice and not frosty. People love them.

(i) And then the royals who outrank those people LOSE THEIR EFFING MINDS. Look, if y'all wanted people to love you, love them! If you want them to care, be caring! But most of that's lost on the 60%, see above about child rearing for why that probably is.

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