Chaos Attraction

Stalked All Day

2023-06-08, 9:49 p.m.

You know why I don't want people to wish me a good morning? BECAUSE THEY NEVER ARE.

I have been stalked and harassed all fucking day by this guy who asked for something, the office who decides that stuff denied him, and since I'm obligated to respond (and he keeps claiming no one will respond to him and that all the phone numbers for others I gave him are just my office's phone number, NO IT'S NOT), he just kept emailing me and harassing me every five minutes for an hour. I seriously want to report him to authorities, but instead told my boss and the lady that runs the other office. I HOPE HE FUCKING BACKS OFF, but who knows. ....

Nope, he has not, he keeps on emailing. I asked if he was going to get reported to authorities, but nooooooooo. This BS has been passed off to NewBoss, as the head of the actual office he needs to deal with is apparently not doing anything....? Okay, that lady finally responded and said "we're gonna do what we're gonna do" and this guy is still not relenting and complaining and complaining ands swearing up and down that we told him a year ago he could have what he wanted. Of course he has no names and half the time cites someone else and...the only saving grace is this dude is in LA and can't immediately storm our office, albeit he's certainly offered to come over here in person for a chat.

Finally he accepted his fate, very poutily and upset, and demanded another response. My boss told me not to, it's now on Other Office. So great, he's going to keep on emailing tomorrow, then? I was scared and upset all fucking day and wanted to throw up. I seriously am just so scared and upset and nobody else is bothered at all because "oh, we get that shit every day, it's just the job."

And then my HMO called to say, why haven't you gotten a colonoscopy yet? KILL ME NOW PLEASE.

The only good points of the workday was (a) Jess sending me photos of groundhog sculptures, and (b) my vibrator finally showed up in the mail and since it was a day late, they refunded me the $6 in rush (I note I wanted to make sure it arrived on a day where I was home) shipping money. Huzzah.

Singing lesson: second day of "Pretty Funny," made it to the end of it, at least. I'm not in love with the super depressingness of this, but she says it's practicing range and the like.

Rehearsal: great fun. Alex did an excellent, passionate, fun job of reading Claudio tonight, I'm inclined to say that if none of the other potential men (supposedly) next week work out, that one should have the job and find another Conrade. Who knows.

Sarah brought goat cheese, arugula and avocado sandwiches today from work. Woot!

Rodney brought a ball of rough gray yarn and had me wrap it around Nick's arms a few times at the beginning of the scene. I am relieved that I got it off him in time doing that. Nick later suggested I should have knit him a scarf that shows up later in the show. Me: "While she's playing dead and bored?"

Rodney on Beckett and line memorization: "He's young, his mind is sharp, his mind isn't addled by drugs and women." Jessica: "He's a method actor." At one point Rodney gave him some kind of dish brush to hold as a prop, as I guess he's another Fidgeter Person. I said it was too bad we couldn't give him yarn. Nick: "I wouldn't massage that bit."

Rodney told Jessica not to smile with her teeth so much. She did her best to do a gummy grin.

Cameron on Beatrice, recapping: "She's a bitch, but a hot bitch."

All the yarnies (me, Jessica, Nancy, Rachel) had ours out, Cameron wished she'd brought some. "I need emergency knitting supplies!" Janene was all "everyone's knitting," I was all "here's my ball of yarn!" Sarah prefers being "a closet meth head on Ritalin stripping wires for the copper." This is an interesting hobby choice, right there.

Sarah: "Same old, same old, cake or death."

Nick: "Wait, I grabbed the wrong half of the script."

Jessica got her contract renewed for two more years and was relieved to have health insurance some more. Also it was the last day of classes and she remembered at the last minute to hand out evaluations. "Wait, fill out the thing that says I'm organized! Come back!" She said she's teaching Shakespeare this summer and will give extra credit if they see the show--she wants to require they watch one play or at least one filmed version of one anyway.

We briefly rehearsed the beginning of the masquerade ball. Sans lines, mind you, it was basically giving Don Pedro a few more lines in Spanish and then everyone had to get into gender lines. Apparently it was suggested by someone that Don Pedro horn in between me and Claudio, which was HILARIOUS. Rodney said someone will be brought in to teach us how to waltz for 54 (long) seconds. Cameron: "I'll be at the bar."

Me on certain comments in the show: "I must have a very busy window."

Beckett had to sing "Sigh No More" (or as I call it, the inevitable Shakespeare Hey Nonny Nonny Song) and while reading the lyrics, I was all, "There's a line that says 'of dumps so dull and heavy?!'" Good LORD, never heard THAT in there before.

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