Chaos Attraction

That's Not Good PR For Yourself

2023-06-07, 9:46 p.m.

Work: did what I had to do, spent most of the day waiting around on someone to do something technical. I finished off Dawn's wall hanging or at least sewed the fabric around the dowels. Unfortunately this project needs some help--the dowels are at least too long and I don't do wood--and the only person I can think of with a wood studio is Scott's dad, Not sure what to do here. Try the CC? Try seeing if someone at a theater will hack the edges off? Then I made a bunch of crocheted flowers for the Halloween costume.

Did have a conversation with NewBoss today about how....well, there was yet another foulup with an Important Document (it never ends). Person got theirs bent in the mail, sent Very Unhappy Sad Pouting Email over this with lots of emo, coworker put "I'll add it to the order" in the email, then this girl keeps writing that she didn't want it put back in the mail again, wanted to pick it up but only had two days to come and do it, I end up in the email chain saying the odds are very high that it wouldn't be there in time...and then she contacts us again today. And I looked through the chain and it looked like one of my coworkers had put it on the reorder, BUT NO, IT WAS NOT and then I thought, "this woman's gonna fucking kill me that it's not even being processed now," and it was deemed Not My Coworker's Fault (sigh...if it was me, you know it would be...literally this has happened before), and I'm all apologizing for being wrong and bad AGAIN...and then I got told by the printer "no, you did the spreadsheet wrong for the PDF's AGAIN." I get this wrong Every Single Time. I have saved their instructions, which they have explained multiple times, I have tried to follow them, I fuck it up EVERY TIME and feel SO STUPID.

NewBoss was all "that's not good PR for yourself" and I said that I've earned my bad reputation here and everything I do is bad and wrong and I don't know why I keep screwing up, but I do all the time, and why don't you just fire me? She said I didn't do everything wrong. I pointed out that OldBoss actively said I do, every year, and "you're not terrible" is the best she's said, except I am, and I've been written up how many hundreds of times by now over the last 11 years? I keep trying and I just can't do this the way they want it done naturally. She was very nice about it, said nobody should feel like this at work, said we'd go over the instructions these people have sent re: PDF's and see if we can figure it out and get someone at the company (I note the last person I asked quit) to go over it.

I went out during lunch and picked up my new book, Burn It Down, and then walked around working om memorizing lines. Good job, me.

I had emailed Rodney to ask when Picture Day was (he'd said "sometime this week," so presumably today or Thursday), as (a) I planned to be wearing fancy yoga pants and a T-shirt on one of these days and (b) I have a bug bite above one eye--thankfully it just looks like a zit and hasn't swollen up like a giant tumor, but still--and he said today. I pointed out he might want to mention that to the rest of the cast, and he made comments like "the cast is pretty already" and "verisimllitude" and the like. To which I emailed all the ladies (and messaged Sarah in case she doesn't read the email, and Robert after he responded to another text) to warn them, and got several thank you's, especially since about half of us dress fancy naturally and the other half definitely did not on filming day previously. Sarah's "Fucking thank you" cracked me up, and Robert said he also appreciated it. (As for the other guys: probably not caring + I don't have contact info.)

Anyway, I got all primped out, but there was no official photographer, he just had Amelia take shots for the bios. I came out looking weird in all of them, but after having her retake a few times, I gave up. I guess others were having similar experiences. I did like how people were more dressed up, though.

New people tonight:
* Nancy, who said she'd never do Shakespeare but is now in this somehow, doing Seacoal (Rachel didn't have to do that one tonight)
* Alex, doing Conrade. Actually seems to be into doing Shakespeare, so I think they stay.
* Geno, the potential Claudio, who alas, didn't want to do it either, so back to the drawing board on that one again, sigh.

I did get a jelly donut for turning in my bio (hah hah), even if I could only eat 1/4 of it. Rodney admitted it made his pancreas spaz out just looking at it.

We are mostly doing the same scenes over and over again--first few scenes, we ran "Benedick is captured" (i.e. man's version of "Psst, Beatrice totally loves you") followed by my big scene followed by Dogberry's first again. Not sure why we do the same ones over and over exactly, but whatever?

Sarah's kids were having their first sleepover tonight and she was rather agitated over this. Well, hopefully she figures out what to do with herself with free time. I note she had on a very hot dress and her "Cunt" earrings, which I really hope show up in the picture.

Me to Robert, upon hearing that some costumes are going to be more...horseback riding, for reasons unclear to me: "Is she going to crack the whip on you?"

Rodney on Alex: "She's on work release, they're torturing her to be here."

Geno: "I have to pee." Nick: "It probably smelled like that at the time."

Rodney, reading Cameron's lines because she was at a family thing tonight: "Are you coming on to me, you pig?" Okay, not so much her line.

Nick to me as Benedick insults me: "Snap!" I was glaring at him from backstage.

Me to Jessica: "Any time Shakespeare can slip in a dirty joke, he does it. I appreciate that." I note that Jessica was acting out horns.

Rodney sang the song tonight, then collapsed onstage.

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