Chaos Attraction

We'll Just Keep Doing What We're Doing

2021-06-16, 6:25 a.m.

Today's meeting: Grandboss and my boss announced that they have officially put in a proposal (to who, I wonder?! If BigBigBoss is gone, who's LEFT to approve anything?) to (a) shift most of the daily open door hours to 10-2 instead of 10-4, but they said they'd still work 10-4 about 12 weeks out of the year, (b) they said that they planned to have younger part-time employees ONLY working the front counter and the rest of us are just there as backup, and (c) they are still intending to only have us come into the office 2 days a week.

Uh-huh. We shall see there. But at least the first 2 things are good and I guess somewhat likely.

In other news, my boss announced that she is NOT going anywhere, and the second-in-command of Giant Org-who I guess BigBigBoss reported to--is holding a sudden short meeting circa Friday morning to brief us all on the leadership hole. Meanwhile, my boss was all "we'll just keep doing what we're doing." That's my office for you. We're frequently out of official leadership but everyone plugs along anyway. It makes me wonder why the hell we need big bosses and big big bosses and CEO's for anyway, really.

Other than that, same old shit: more addresses, more big shots complaining, more weird emails, more huge workload.

After work I drove to Sacramento to check out the yarn bombing around the Shepherd Garden and Art Center, where the yarn bomb I made went. I have been having A Feeling that I should have really gone there last weekend--except I was totally swamped--because something is going to happen where I can't or shouldn't go this upcoming weekend. I'm not sure why I'm having that level of feeling about it. Today is the start of a heat wave (around 100 today), tomorrow's supposed to be 110 and then it gets a little lower for the next few days after that. So I was all "eh, I don't want to drive over to Sac during rush hour, I'll just do it in the late afternoon this coming weekend when I'm free," except I keep having this feeling that I won't be able to go there this weekend. I dunno if that's too hot or what, but once I thought "maybe fires break out again and we'll all be stuck inside again for two weeks, maybe that's it," I dragged my butt over there and took all the pictures. So that's done and seen, at least. It really wasn't too bad, temperature-wise.

Oh, and I found a cockroach crawling around my kitchen sink. Luckily it wasn't in the dishes, which I was going to wash anyway, but boy, did I drown the shit out of it and run the disposal on it to boot. Oh, cockroach season. Usually they just hang out on my patio at night these days...

My neighbor has been on a real skunk-pot streak of late, and now it smells like pot in MY kitchen. The fuck?

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