Chaos Attraction

Theater Buttons

2023-05-24, 6:36 p.m.

Took a full gummy last night. I fell asleep pretty quickly but STILL woke up at 4 a.m. This is not working for the purposes I bought the damn gummies for.

This morning while way too awake, I got the bright idea to make a "Girl scout badge" equivalent to being in theater shows. So I ordered some Broadway pins off Etsy and other pins off Redbubble and got a custom button ("Theater Shows Merit Badges") and a black vest with LOTS of pocketses to pin them onto off Amazon. This was very involving and fun.

I'm actually surprised it went as well as it did. You can pretty much find pins for any Broadway shows off Etsy, the shows that weren't Broadway were a bit of a stretch. I found some Shakespeare play pins and The Importance of Being Earnest elsewhere, I found a "Charlotte's Web" book pin (priciest), and for the shows that don't have any kind of equivalent, I found something close, like a "Coney Island" pin, a Robin Hood pin and "Wedding Coordinator" and "Bridesmaid" for TnT and TnT2. I think I've managed to represent all the shows that's doable for. Almost everything was pretty cheap but still kinda racked up...sigh...I just get crazy when I get a Project Idea and want to get on it.

I could theoretically try to make up stuff for the original online shows or get another custom button, but people won't have heard of those and some of them would be very difficult to put into a button with the long names, so...skipping that.

Work: 'tis boring, 'nuff said.

After work: went out to Burgers and Brew with Ashley, where I had a delicious bacon-infused burger and garlic curly fries and a Coke float, and Ashley had fries for dinner because she'd just gone out to Crumbl Cookies and ate an entire giant cookie. Life is uncertain, eat dessert first, I said. Then we wandered to the Farmers Market for a bit, where she hung out with former coworkers for a bit, then we hung out and listened to the band for a bit, then went back to her house and watched some Jeopardy. Then she went off to birthday karaoke and I have to get up early tomorrow, bleah. We had a good time. I kind of feel bad that next week I start rehearsal...SOMEWHERE... and this kind of ends for months and months.

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