Chaos Attraction

The Elf Show

2022-12-09, 5:48 p.m.

Friday daytime:

Friday, in office day: Slow day, few people/protesters about, the most exciting bit of this was a Zoom meeting with New Boss in which I managed to postpone the dreaded "let's talk about your monthly goals off your performance review!" (which is nothing but "you suck at every single thing in the office," per the old boss) by showing her a bunch of other stuff instead. Which I would have done anyway since she needs to be trained on it and all, but putting that stuff off was nice. I really have zero interest in having any kind of goals, I basically put down "take more classes" every year for our supposed yearly goals, which they don't really even ask about any more since they changed the formatting. It's not like I'm shooting for a promotion or like any of the jobs I see or heart is just out the fucking door and on its way to the other end of the country when it comes to interest in "my career." I have zero interest. It's a day job that isn't expendable/easily laid off from and that's all that matters to me.

I forgot to mention that earlier in the week my old coworker Lioness gave a talk to our office about stuff she's learned in her new job that we should know here, and she said that this office was her "home" and her entire life is about service. I am the dead opposite of those things. sigh.

Oh yeah, and since management (my guess is Old Boss, who's still mad at paying $17.50 to move an address only to have the package lost) refuses to pay to change the addresses for the two packages coming next week, those are gonna be lost/stolen/returned too. I warned the printer contact about that and then was grumbly. What a stupid, stupid waste. They are being ridiculous and literally wasting more money and time by refusing to take care of the problem right away. Waiting on Optimism! is a waste of time.

(I also laugh at anyone who told me today, "I hope the strike ends soon!" My bet is mid-January before anything shifts, let me put it that way. I'm not even going to say "strike ends," but around mid-January is when the shit will start to fly if the strike continues.)

Other than that, I started writing a Gavle Goat-themed 10-minute play, which I got the idea for while at the show last night, and I'm quite pleased with it so far. The one stumping thing is that I need it to be 10 pages and I'm at about six-ish right now? I haven't successfully written a play--I've made a few attempts-- in years and this is finally a "short" enough idea and a problem one can solve in 10 minutes (per advice I've read on 10 minute play writing), and normally I'm quite long-winded (IN CASE YOU DIDN'T GUESS FROM THIS JOURNAL), so to be short on pages is pretty weird! We'll see what I come up with, I guess.

After that, I'm going to go see Descendants tonight, so I'll update how that went tomorrow. I'm going to post the rest of Thursday after that with the review of yesterday's show.

Thursday night: 10 minute play festival in Winters, Elf-Help Edition!

They are now performing in the "Grand Prince Odeum," a former church that has supposedly been converted to a sacred space for Prince fans/performing venue. I confess I expected to see a LOT more purple around than there was at the time, but it's very fancy and beautifully decorated and has a lot of fancy rooms and decorations that I took photos of. The only thing that might be an issue is that the pew area on the first floor is small for a crowd, but since 25 people were there at opening night on a Thursday, possibly that's not an issue. (Or they find more chairs, I dunno.) They had a basement lounge/kitchen area and there's a hidden elevator somewhere, which is good because it has a lot of stairs and I wondered on the access.

I saw all my old theater cronies/castmates/directors, who were happy to see me again, albeit wondering where the hell the rest of my friends were. Me: well, um, none of them are coming this week, I'm not sure if any will come next week, I wanted to make sure I saw it because you never know these days, I'll return if they do. (Linda did say Janene was going to be there next week, unclear about Robert what with him being sick.) My old castmate Jim and Ana run it, and Jim said the next 10 minute play would be in the fall. (Darn it, probably around Something Rotten.)

The shows:

"Perhaps a Sidebar on Christmas:" My old castmate Trent and a couple I don't really know but feel like I have to have seen somewhere before? Trent is a guy going into Harrod's wanting to buy something for a...21-year-old? No, it's a 21-one-DAY old. Trent was delivering lines that reminded me of "Who's On First" in this one. The Harrods guy is politely trying to figure out what to do with a guy who wants to buy a baby cigars, or alcohol, or perhaps a sidebar? Then the manager is called in, says she understands what he wants, and they walk off together. Not...sure how that ends, exactly? But Trent's delivery was fantastic.

"Elftopia:" my old castmates Bridget and Ana are elves who are rather annoyed with their leader not taking a vacation, she is eventually talked into doing so.

"Santa's Hard Row to Ho" featured three men--two stuffy professors, one in English and one in math (Trent), and one janitor-handyman guy, auditioning for the role of Santa. The English professor refused to say more than 2 ho's because that would involve an Oxford comma, the handyman somehow couldn't manage more than two, and the math professor could deliver three ho's and do them well, but also provided a large Venn diagram of ho-ing. In the end, the lady running the show picked...her female assistant to play Santa, because of her infectious-yet-snorting laugh. The girl was shocked at her laugh being wanted, and I was all, "I could have done THAT part." And should have, alas. Though I really can't snort, so who knows there. Also reminded me of the night I played Santa, hahahh.

"Gen X Chrsitmas:" Santa (my old castmate Greg), his wife (Ana again) and one of the elves (my old castmate Manny--I note that Manny is Greg's son and Greg married Ana, so the whole family's in it) are interrupted by a showy guy trying to take over Christmas and throwing around technology and mentioning "Teslaclaus." I did like how Mrs. Claus knew how to thwart a Tesla by calling for "Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you stop the sleigh tonight" because Tesla's have to stop for red lights. Muahahah.

"When The World Falls In Love." Not elf-related (????) but my old castmate Gail and another guy played a old Jewish married couple--she wants to get in the spirit and he doesn't, essentially, and is kind of being a jerk, but he gets nice towards the end.

"Joyeux Noel" is elves having an emo mopey depressed French elf coming in and ruining their fun. Jim and Bridget were in this one.

"Vesper," I'm not sure what was going on in this one, it gave me the impression of elves as mobster guys...? Had Greg and Manny and Jim in it and anything with Greg and Manny is likely to have mob vibes (they like that sort of thing).

"Santa Gets Covid." My old castmate/director Nancy wrote this one while in Italy with covid. Thankfully, the elves can't get covid and Mrs. Claus (Ana again--Trent is Santa and Bridget as her third elf of the night) steps in to play Santa (in a LOVELY red medieval-y dress), and since she's biracial and half elf, won't get covid either! Lucky elves.

I gave my compliments to people afterwards (also told them where I'd been and why I wasn't in this) and then Linda told me...they're going to do Tony n' Tina again, first weekend of May, at Green River. Auditions in April since she's gone all of March. WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You know what, if I don't get into anything I audition for before that, there's something I can hopefully, finally do! Maybe reunite the old gang again...?????

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