Chaos Attraction

Why Can't My Life Be A Rom-Com?

2023-03-26, 9:28 p.m.

Sunday: didn't really sleep much at all....again...sigh. Woke up before the parental figures did and found myself watching "Why Can't My Life Be A Rom-Com?" an E! movie that is basically modern 'How To Marry A Millionaire." Eliza thinks she's getting a promotion at her event planner job, is late because of her boyfriend, is fired for being late, and then boyfriend announces he's moving in with a gallery owner. (Roger: "Is this like Hallmark?" Me: "Yeah, pretty much.") Eliza's dingbat friend Sofia has picked up some 50-year-old book called "How To Marry Rich" by "Margaret Dumont." and they decide to haul off to The Hamptons, get jobs at the burger shack, and fake drowning to catch rich dudes. However, as per "HTMAM," they find rich dudes, BUTTTTT......

Sofia is dating a rich guy who you will deduce is gay and looking for a beard when he shows up with an earring and pink shirt on one of the dates, while she is making out with a cook in the kitchen. (I note that gay guy has to fake straight to keep his trust fund. Sofia demands he buy her a boat if he won't marry her. Ooookay then.) Sofia is kind of a twatty asshole, and at one point (I wish I'd written this town) the topic of giving milk for free comes up and Eliza makes a crack about Sofia being a dairy product distributor and Sofia is all "no, I just sleep with guys a lot." At one point someone quotes someone famous to her (I forget who) and she's all, "Don't quote Yoda at me!" She also talks Eliza into buying a $25k dress to "borrow and return," which goes about as well as you'd expect that to go.

As for Eliza, she meets a rich doctor literally named Rich. Rich is nice, earnest, wants to work in a broker clinic, and basically there is nothing wrong with him other than the sex isn't quite quite, somehow. She also meets Doug, a hot Asian guy who is literally working as a bartender/towel boy/busboy/similar jobs like, literally everywhere in town. He shows up every 5 minutes. He digs through a dumpster to find the $25 price tag off Eliza's dress (nice!) And yet he somehow has access to someone's fancy car (he implies it's stolen...ish....) to teach Eliza how to drive, and takes her boating (how's he getting the boat?). Once you see another Asian guy in a nice suit giving him shit, you might reasonably assume that Doug secretly has money. Doug, however, is nice and down to earth and loves 80's romance movies like Eliza does, which leads to her grabbing a boombox and you-know-whatting. I note that obviously this dime store movie did not get the rights to "In Your Eyes," so you just gotta pretend on that one. By the end of the movie, his dad offers her a job as an event planner and she says no and tells him off but mightily for insulting Doug, and when Doug hears this, obviously he's amused because at the end of the summer he's going to become a VP at the hotel.

After having a quick breakfast, I drove home. Mom started screaming when I left because guess what, the flap fell down on my car again. I told her what SpeeDee told me and she started yelling and yelling. "WHAT DO YOU THINK I CAN DO ABOUT IT NOW, MOM!?" I yelled. "I CAN'T GET IT FIXED NOW! CAN YOU FIX IT NOW?!" and generally had a cow and felt like shit the rest of the day, whee. SOMETHING ELSE TO WORRY ABOUT, AGAIN. Also for some reason my GPS was refusing to work on the phone off and on all yesterday and today. It wouldn't recognize if the phone was plugged in, the GPS kept crashing and crashing. I have no idea how you fix that: is it the phone? The cord? The car?

I predicted that the rain would start approximately ten minutes after I hit the freeway, and sure nuff....though it didn't start HORRENDOUSLY POURING until 1 p.m., so there's that, at least. I did manage to get gas and make it to the dance show at my dance studio.

The show was dances/poetry based on paintings, so that's hard for me to describe right there. I liked almost all of it (one was a bit slow). Kari from The Producers was one of the poets, and my tap teacher did one dance in it. Pretty good all around.

Then after that, I got groceries. I got fifteen items and it cost $99....and then $91 with my work discount. Ugh, but I'm sure in a short period of time I'll be buying fifteen items, it'll cost $500 and I'll say, "That was cheap!"

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