Chaos Attraction

Knitters Oracle

2023-03-03, 9:35 p.m.

Busy day, Friday. I went to Meg's and then Vaiva (her other friend going, the third friend got sick) drove us there and we were in the Market. I bought a flabbergasting amount of yarn, a new shawl pin, a embroidered necklace kit, a knitting board (peg board used to make scarves), an oracle deck called the "Knitters Oracle," which was freaking amazing (more on this below),

I bought several rainbow yarns, several neon yarns, a few mixed-color yarns...just a lot of yarn, really. I hung out at a silk yarn booth--those were fun people--and ended up getting some of that, too.

I note that the Market was....a lot smaller this year. It was smaller last year after the pandemic started, but probably even smaller this year and with some vendors not returning. I don't know if the pandemic did that, or people not making it due to weather (a few vendors didn't make it for that reason), or what the heck's gone on with less vendors. But I could walk from one side to the other in a few hours instead of it taking all day, which is notable.

They have an area called the Playground where people do 15-20 minute presentations. I watched one on 3-D knitting (oops, I've done that before), on the knitting boards, which is why I got one, one on beading, and one on darning, which was surprisingly interesting and more like making a little weaving to fill in a hole from behind.

People continued to love my rainbow outfits and wanted pictures with this one, which was very flattering. I took pictures of others and posed and things myself. It was a delight to be appreciated by various vendors/attendees. I did NOT text Scott a bunch of pictures like I did last year, so good for me there. (Though to be fair, I didn't see much I would have sent him, except a few things I saw last year. Well, helps to resist temptation.)

After we pooped out circa 4 p.m., we went back to Ian's house (note: Meg's son who lives close by to me, in the house they all lived in before Meg and Stephen moved) and we broke out our hauls, and I started in on the embroidery project. Meg also wanted to do readings with the Knitters Oracle deck. I asked about the whole Scott present thing and it decidedly said NO, this is OVER, not a surprise, but I feel bad about it anyway still. Meg said he sounded like he was really scared/freaking out during that moment, which may very well be true. And that was probably more about him than me. (Vaiva was all "dump him," I note she's having custody drama with her ex-husband at the moment and has switched to ladies.)

It was great to see Meg again. Vaiva's fun to hang out with too--I've hung out with her in SC before, at certain times were giving each other "you gotta be kidding me!" and other similar looks during conversations, which was fun.

We finished the evening by doing a 500 piece circular puzzle. I'm not sure when we started doing it, but we finally finished it around 11:15. I'm happy we finished it (and I got to this time, instead of the last time I tried doing a puzzle and I had to leave Loretta's because of covid exposure....). It was kind of hard to find the edges and some of the pieces were REALLY weird. I figured out a way to categorize it since it was an ocean picture and well, most of it was blue. I started categorizing the puzzle pieces by approximate shape and just plugging them into slots where they looked like they might belong. This was a very good move and worked very well.

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