Chaos Attraction

Fun Medical Details

2023-03-08, 9:51 p.m.

Work: piddling through various things. I'm going to have to go back to front counter shifts again starting tomorrow, sigh.

Someone called to complain that they want to get into a ceremony, but the so-called "team" won't respond to her, and the office that the so-called "team" works for literally refused to do anything and said "keep contacting the team until they respond," so they of course called here because we are the generic catchall "does everything" office and were begging "can someone contact them for me?" And I was all NOPE. We stopped having any involvement with the ceremony hell in guess what year, when my lone contact retired and wasn't replaced, and they are no longer harassing us to "help" them** and we are not gonna poke that with a stick. I don't know who's on that team or if any team actually exists and also, I just don't care to get involved in this? (I note that it sounds like someone didn't make the requirements and is trying to skate in despite not making them, and not my job to give this person a pass for something the so-called "team" is supposed to handle.)

* Note: this organization didn't actually need us to do their paperwork for them, but refused to do it themselves and made us do it. This does not make my office look fondly upon helping them one bit. I'm sure someday they'll force us to work for them again, but we aren't going to have anything to do with them unless forced to.

Like, could I email every stray person I know at the office (who isn't on that team) and go, "This person needs help! Please help and respond!"? Sure, I could. I just don't WANNA and have my doubts it would do any good ("team" is notorious every year for ignoring responding to people, I don't have any more leverage than any other rando), and frankly, I don't even want so much as a pinky finger in this shit pie. Last year someone tried to get me involved in the trainwreck (to which I was all "no, I can't get you in, contact the team") and someone on the team didn't respond until days after the event ended, which tells you how that whole thing goes right there. Leave me out of it.

Oh, and in the continuing saga of UPS IS FUCKING TERRIBLE, the vendor asked us if we got more ID's in the mail. Apparently we did....for some other giant organization states away. The fuck?

After work, I went to tap dancing class, which went pretty well. Still working on the routine. I note that the teacher had to take a first aid class for working at a theater (???? your guess is as good as mine on that one?) and she was crammed full of fun medical details! Such as:

(a) Don't blow into someone's mouth, all you're doing is just blowing carbon dioxide in. Just do chest compressions and the breathing will kick in for 50% of people. (b) If someone needs those medical paddles, all you have to do is take off ALL their clothes on top and cut off heavy chest hair, apply the paddles, and then they basically tell you want to do/work for themselves. (c) After she saw a spider and freaked out and killed it, said, "Don't get bitten by a black widow, it kills your skin and they will have to literally cut a chunk out of your arm." (d) Bee stings leave some kind of stinger in there that keeps pumping venom for a minute, which you can't get rid of by pulling it out--you need to use a credit card to scrape your arm or whatever to get it out. (Me: "I get stung on my toes...???") (e) You need to immediately get 150 feet away from where you were stung, because then other bees will smell the pheromones and come and sting you too! (Me: "Again, I got stung on my feet....")

One guy in class said he's going to Japan and won't be back until late April--will the teacher still be around? "Well, I'm job hunting, so...." Dammit! I know I'm going to be out all April and then the first week of May.

Other than that, nothing to say, once again. I spent most of my free time today winding a ball of silk yarn, that was tedious....

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