Chaos Attraction

Another Atmospheric River

2023-03-09, 9:53 p.m.

I found a drawing of a penis tucked in between some rocks this morning. I grabbed it before it got rained on. (Note: a few days later I planted it in a dry fountain on a non-rainy day.)

Another day, another atmospheric river. They are telling people not to drive if at all possible. I transferred my theater ticket for tonight in Sacramento to the first day predicted without about two weeks :/ Da fuck, people. Of course, it doesn't rain until I'm supposed to go to in person office, mind you. I need to go see friends in shows in the next few weekends, but we'll see how much I feel like doing that.

At work, I printed stuff and wrote emails and piddled through things. I had a front counter shift that was, thank god, dead quiet (only 2 walk-ins, and not hard ones). I even helped the girl out with a couple of weird email things. I wrote a long letter to Cameron telling her about Stitches and then trying to talk her into doing Tony n' Tina 2. She really hates the play she's in now and sounds drained. I pointed out (a) rehearsal schedule for this is lighter, (b) you hardly learn any lines, (c) IT'S ACTUALLY FUN, and (d) our friend group has been petering out since pandemic as is, it would help for those of us who CAN reunite to be able to do so. We'll see if I get anywhere with that argument.

Mostly I just noodled on the same damn row on my maze knitting project during lunch (seriously, I had to undo a bunch of rows and then just did the same row for an hour), but at the end of the day I discovered a new technique. It works great for using fingering yarn to make fairly thick worsted-feel yarn, but that's also thicker than I wanted for the dresses I wanted to now I'm trying to do a gauge swatch with size 8 needles and fingering and it's rather loose for my preferences...

Seriously, I'm so zonked, I'm watching History of the World Part 2-it's so-so.

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