Chaos Attraction

Weird Shoes

2023-03-27, 9:28 p.m.

Work: finished Quarterly Project today, placed the order, nothing went wrong so far. Otherwise I didn't have a whole lot to do in office. But in the continuing theme of "why is my office the catchall for weird shit," someone called our office about a department that according to Google does not exist, and they claim to have taken an online course in it.... in the 80's. Who the hell was TAKING ONLINE COURSES IN THE 1980'S?!? What the hell is this stupidity? I remember the 80's and NOBODY COULD TAKE AN ONLINE CLASS IN THE 80's! Hell, even late 90's would be a stretch! Why the hell does anyone think my office has anything to do with something clearly made up?

I did walk around at lunch. There is a SUPER WEIRD fancy shoe art exhibit going on, so I went to that. Amazing works of art, but in no way can one imagine that a human lady foot could actually go into those "shoes," much less walk in them, as many of them were platform-y or downright stilt-y. Some frankly weren't really shoes at all, such as the recliner shoes. Very bizarre. I note that the building this particular gallery is housed in is very wacky, with "tattoos" and funny sayings in various places around the building. Definitely a good place to do an in-building walk on a rainy day.

My therapist wants to do a half hour session because she's going to Jamaica for two weeks (sigh) afterwards. But she's going to the eye doctor first. I pointed out to her that that's likely to run long, but she was insistent. I would actually lean towards canceling since I don't really want to do an appointment when I'm in the office anyway (you can hear people), so....sigh.

Ashley is on bed rest until such time as she gets SOME kind of heart surgery TBD, so I went over to her house for an hour and a half and did yarning. I taught/retaught her how to knit in the round again, which was pretty funny.

I seriously have nothing to say any more. My phones are having problems charging and are doing it slowly, it takes forever to get the USB port to recognize the phone to download pictures, which is a pain. And it's Tapping Summit time so I'm listening to all those recordings.

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