Chaos Attraction

I Don't Remember Wednesday

2023-03-01, 9:31 p.m.

I had to get two filings today. Per my "anxiety" and blood pressure, substitute dentist prescribed that I take two Halcion.

This is literally what I wrote on my journal writing page (I write these things elsewhere and copy/paste them in Diaryland later), I shit you not:

Took Halcion at 8 a.m. Let's see how this goes.
8:11 a.m. NOW the wonkiness is kicking in. After ten minutes? Kind of sleepy drunk feel is about what I'd call this? Like "bonk" it's wonky now.
8:22 a.m. Yawning, having issues spelling/focusing on my sceens. Maybe i need to enmbigg tghe text? Kniing witih tiniy needellls is fmbling along...hs.
8:27: have had to collaps at kitche table cajhir ad la back 8z;rr0e0: ,e, 30. Hadrd o old my had p and read. 8:re a't held m head p 8z; sn krrp prhsrfp ftgk o8iop ukii / y ]

(Seriously, this sounds like a critical scene from Feed by Mira Grant, though I won't go into the spoilery situation that book was doing.)

I'm just gonna leave that text as is....because fuck, did that shit knock me out all day. I barely remember Dawn getting me, I barely remember getting to the dentist, I barely remember getting into bed. I had my alarm set off to go off fifteen minutes before 1 p.m. and couldn't figure out how to key in my password on the work computer...I texted that I was too drugged up to function, turned in my timesheet and went back to sleep for another bunch more hours. I'm soooooooo out of it kinda still. (No tap class today, sigh.) I don't remember being THAT fucked up from Halcion the last time I took it--maybe because new dentist said to take two pills? Hoooooooooo boy.

Ashley called and was all "Are you sure they did what they were going to do?" and I'm all I HAVE NO IDEA. I note that in her case she's feeling better today, her pacemaker seems to have gone back to normal, and she seriously had to scream at her medical team today to get an appointment for Monday. Oy.

Meg called to say they won't be staying for Saturday after all as Vaiva is flipping out about stuff in general and the other person that I haven't met is getting sick...still not covid, but these days, yeah right. She also said she tried to buy her ticket online and it only gave the option to mail it to her home and I was all "well, that's not right, contact the company."

Oh, and apartment management wants to come in here on Friday and didn't say why, which is annoying. I won't be here anyway, mind you, but still.

I do not have the brains to figure these things out right now. Dawn was all "I hope you get your rest" and I'm all, no, I've had enough rest, I want to not be resting right now.

Note: my brain didn't start to kick in again until after 6:30.

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