Chaos Attraction

Identity Crisis

2023-04-04, 5:58 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Easter - 2023-04-09
Eating Mars - 2023-04-08
Letter Moping - 2023-04-07
Nobody Knew I Was There - 2023-04-06
HR Fail - 2023-04-05


Cast list as of November 2019

"You are my favorite mini-series." -Jennifer Crusie.

The morning started out bad:

(a) On work from home days, I have two alarms set on my old phone: at 7:45 to wake up/brush teeth and at 8 a.m. to start working. Today, neither alarm went off, and after two days of not sleeping, I slept so hard (and also didn't start waking up from 5 a.m. on to check the alarm) and the alarm didn't go off until 8:10. THE FUCK? At least it was an at home day, no morning meeting, and nobody noticed.

(b) I got up and peed and then my towel fell into the toilet.

(c) My therapist canceled ONCE AGAIN. I want to say, if you know you have a standing appointment, why can't you just not make other appointments during that time?! I'm so tired of that. I had things to say and bring up, dammit.

Beyond that, I have some rando emailing me about things I don't know about--and ONLY me--and I want to be all "why did you pick ME for this, that's shit YOUR office does," and she kept on asking questions and I had to forward to NewBoss, who will probably get mad at me for doing that. And higher-ups are asking me things about all the people who died yesterday (apparently there was a car wreck) and I'll probably get in trouble for that too.

And I've had Yet Another Shaming Meeting scheduled for me tomorrow! Because I fucked up yet again!!!! Probably for the some rando email and that I didn't 100% solve it myself, and every other thing I've done wrong for weeks. I HATE MYSELF AND WANT TO DIE BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS.

After work, I did another Stitches presentation. Lily Chin was in there and said it was fine to collect yarn and not use it. "You don't tell a stamp collector to just put it on an envelope already."

Rehearsal: arrived to find out that the outside area was double booked with a party. Linda was not thrilled about that. We ended up moving out to the back area of the lawn, which at least had tables and some lights. We did some character interviews in which we interviewed each other in character, then Linda attempted to have people act out the beginning of the wedding, but that wasn't going so well and it's cold, so we adjourned early again.

Notable moments:

* Manny got a haircut. People claimed he was his twin, Danny. It's so weird to see him all clean cut like that.

* Bridget was supposed to come, said she was going to be late because somebody had a bike accident, never turned up.

* I talked to Destiny for a bit--she's from Benicia, hasn't done that much improv, Janene recruited her. Then she went off to the bathroom and...did not come back, which is concerning.

* Mark has suggested he play Uncle Lui, a character we've never had in the show, instead of Donny since they can make Ed/Vinnie emcee again. Ed is fine with that, also said he did event planning in his former life. They will sing in the show anyway Mark also volunteered to be the nun ("hey, they're not in the same scene!").

* I talked to Linda about bridesmaid shopping, and she said Ana may have a line on another bridesmaid. I hope, especially if Destiny flakes out. I hope she doesn't flake out....


* Tom, playing Father Mark, was asked to introduce himself in character. He was quite long winded, claiming that he knows how to say "The chicken is looking at me" in Polish, started going into his various medical ailments... Linda: "TMI." Robert: "Don't you also have cirrhosis of the liver?"

* The Marina and Barry interview was very...razzing...(Rodney: "There's some sting in that tail!") she was quite insulting of him living at home and the like, he was all, you don't have a home, you live on couches. "This is my little sister's annoying friend..." She also said "I'm more like a stalker...." and also "I respect privacy and boundaries."

* Thomas: "I play Barry, and possibly Grandpa..." Linda: "No." He said he's lived his character and Linda was all, "That's what I'm afraid of."

* Robert as Michael: "I wasn't brought up Catholic, I was brought DOWN Catholic...." (Denise inserted something about Catholics saying the sex is better.) "I'm the chaos of the party." Also, "They call me Dust."

* Thomas on Michael: "He lives in a van down by the river, he's jealous as all hell."

* Greg: ":I'm Greg, formerly Trixie..."

* Manny as Tony: "I'm getting married, cold feet, I mean married...."

* Ed, as Vinnie: "I used to be a stand up comedian. I'm not any more, in the show you'll find out why."

* On whether or not we're all from Brooklyn vs. Queens, Mark: "As long as nobody's from Staten Island, we're okay."

Linda: "We have quite an identity crisis here."

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