Chaos Attraction

HR Fail

2023-04-05, 6:00 p.m.

I had a formal letter sent to HR about every single one of my failures. I note that they wrote me up for not reaching out to them and for reaching out for them and saying the wrong thing. I pointed out that I'm literally afraid to reach out to them because they write me up for saying it all wrong, and they said it was my fault because I should have known the answer already. It was only 20 minutes (I can give props to NewBoss for not insisting it go the full hour), but I still got as stinko drunk as I could until 5:30 as I could possibly get.

If I I can't do problem solving and customer service, AND THAT IS LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE FUCKING JOB IN EXISTENCE, then how am I supposed to live?!?!?!? Someone have an answer for this one?

I got as drunk as I possibly could until 5:30 p.m. (Ashley wanted me to come over). My head is swimming and that really helps. Also, watching television. Really enjoyed Mandalorian and Schmigadoon today.

Singing lesson: braved "Hot N' Cold" with Morgan. She wanted me to sing along to a slow piano karaoke version of it, which was kind of hard to do when I've been singing it fast for years, and also the video was totally haling repeatedly, SO ANNOYING. Well, I tried. I told her not to tell Scott what I'm doing (I gather he has been talking about TnT sometime...?) because he'll freak if he hears it and thinks I'm crap and Cameron is perfect. We'll see. She said my vibrato was good/developing, at least, said it's right on my "break," so...I dunno...we'll see. She wants to know what the pianist wants to do and right now I'm like heck if I know....I'll get back to her next week.

After that, I went to Ashley's and watched Masked Singer again. It was disappointing because they rang a bell and didn't reveal who the mantis was. The doll in drag was the guy from Twisted Singer, har har. Then I got up the nerve to ask Jim to look at the flap hanging off my car and he said sure, and said he could probably substitute in another screw, looked at the screw on the side that was fine and put it back, then said "oh, the screw's not out AFTER all...." something about a flap....? I asked him a few times and I'm still confused, but it's fixed again for now, unless I hit anything else. We reasonably figured that maybe they knocked it out while doing the tires, giving the timing. I feel so much better about ONE THING now. And I got my new phone case in the mail with a glass cover--I guess it just kinda....magnets...on two things are fixed. Yay.

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