Chaos Attraction

Tony the Pony

2023-04-17, 3:01 p.m.

I slept (more or less) for about nine hours. I paid bills. I fixed my email because it locked me out and was a pain in the ass for a half hour. I returned a library book during lunch. Go me. Work was quiet. Other than finding out my former coworker--the one that was always having weird shit happen to the cars, etc.--her house just burned down :( Electrical issue rather than arson, which is what I was afraid of given how cursed her vehicles seem to be.)

I went to karaoke Jim, no setup, no nothing...Ashley's apparently fine...???? I turned around and went home to stuff face for cheaper instead and then carpool. Never did hear what happened. I attempted to watch Sweeney Todd while cramming down cheap dinner at home. I do not think this is for me. I do not get why people think I could be Mrs. Lovett, either. I'll just suck it up, see it at DMTC once, and be done with it.

I got in on the carpool to TnT. Met at Denise's house--5 minute walk and a few blocks over from me--Gail drove, Tom (Father Mark) along as well. That was fun, albeit I ended up needing to stay later than everyone else and I felt bad about that. Oh well.

Rehearsal: rehearsed post-wedding activities, Vinnie's speeches, the first set of dances, the receiving line, the wedding speeches, the food line speeches, etc. At the end, we discussed the "Snake Girls" number--Heidi's thing in this show is that Beyonce is her favorite (I note in the 80's script it's Paula Abdul, Heidi changes the lines to "Crazy in Love" and whatnot), so she wants to do it to "Run The World (Girls)." Mostly it was her and Brian trying to remember what the heck Laurel choreographed and the rest of us trying to improvise something or other...we'll see.

Nancy and her husband Steve are back from the UK, Nancy mentioned throwing a party Friday night. Hope so, I'm free!

Quotes: "I want my money back after that kiss, do it again! We have an intimacy problem here." -Rodney commenting on the wedding kiss. He also referred to Tony as "Tony the Pony."

Linda said we'd be doing "La Bamba." I said it was the Lambada. Rodney prefers La Bamba. We'll see how that eventually goes.

When Tony n' Tina were dancing to "Thinkin' Out Loud," Mark was all, "That was our song!," pitched his cane and glasses to the floor, and horned in. It was delightful. Mark also kept aiming his cane at people like it was a gun.

Sal to Vinnie as he bragged about Liza Minnelli: "Name dropper."

Ed and Bridget (Vinnie and Loretta) did the Champagne March. Hooooo boy. Comments were, "It's like you're marching across France," singing "Springtime for Hitler," and "Looks like you already hit the sauce."

Lui: "I give it a year." Someone else: "You won't be alive that long."

Me: "The pope can't spell."

Loretta: "Do you know what that spice is called?" One of the guys: "Marijuana?"

Rodney: "I don't think I like you very much in the show." Heidi: "Yeah, I'm kind of a little bitch. And it gets worse."

Linda recounted from the previous show that there was a table full of disgruntled, hungry older women. Nancy said two friends of hers who had just gotten together kept making out, to the point where people thought they were in the show. Mark said his father-in-law kept pointing out stuff to him, like, "Tony, they're dancing, what are you gonna do about it?"

Denise on her audition outfit (turns out she called the wrong number instead of calling Linda because the wrong number was online, and the guy pranked along): "I looked like an Italian hooker from the 70's."

Denise and I on squeezing into the middle seat in the back: "We're friendly and squishy." Denise: "Sounds like a personal ad."

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