Chaos Attraction

Weekend Cancellation

2023-04-20, 3:10 p.m.

Welp, won't have to worry about running into you-know-who after all: Young Frankenstein is canceled for this entire weekend. No more DMTC trip for it. Figures. Per conversations with Rachel and Steve, (a) an unknown number of people (to Rachel, anyway) got covid, and (b) someone in the cast's husband suddenly died. :( I have bought my own ticket for next Saturday at 2. And messaged my dance school to see if I can still snag a ticket for the weekend since I'm free on either day now. There's also a cherry blossom festival going on this weekend, so may go do that Sunday.

(I feel like the universe is saying "fuck this, you will never re-connect with him or have it out with him, because you won't be seeing him," which is probably for the best. Okay, so yet another covid outbreak + death probably isn't a sign from the universe shit, but it is how it goes. Thankfully these days I seem to be shifting to "I'm done" mode and I hope it stays for good.)

Work: we had an in-person food meeting, which was fun and delicious. I note about one person ate what I brought and the drink wasn't opened, which figures. I think I'm not going to try to bring enough food for 20something people any more, because that many aren't going to eat it. Then I went home for the rest of the day and did tedious things. I did have some amusing conversations with coworkers about avoiding Picnic Day, the ridiculous client drama I had yesterday (Vicky and I had some fun making jokes about that), and how Vicky and I both read alma mater Reddit and how we are afraid to say things on there in case people figure out we know more. Her boyfriend is interviewing for a job in San Jose, so she was looking on the thread about some couple trying to figure out where to live in between here and Stanford. Since she only has to go in person twice a week, it'll be on her to move, I suppose. On a related note, my coworker/former teammate Dianna straight up moved to Tracy these days, dang. Nice that in her current position, she never has to come in except for stuff like this.

Fun fact I heard about the UC system today: they are required to offer more admissions to Californians (instead of international cash cows...I know it's rude to say, but it's pretty obvious that's been going on when those folks pay per term what in-state people pay per quarter), they didn't do that, and now they're all being required to take a lot of people in off the wait list. So, congratulations to a whole lot of people!!!

I had nothing to do after work, so I walked around for an hour, then worked on finishing up one of my damn projects and reading one of my damn books that I've been dragging through for months. The book got finished and written up, at least. The endless sleeve continues to not quite end.

I am feeling more over Scott right now. Or at least calm and resigned to the end of the relationship.

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