Chaos Attraction

Cornhole Palace

2023-04-25, 3:24 p.m.

Work: quiet, except I reported a tech problem last week and they finally got back to me today..and it's magically fixed itself. Meanwhile the database died on me (and only for me, nobody else) and the guy finally calls back, wants on the cell or on Teams. I needed to screenshare, that was not working, nor was the sound...and he couldn't fix the database either. So whee, that was fun.

I note that the chancellor of my alma mater is now offering $75 gift cards (yes, that's actual payment) to get people to work at commencement ceremonies this year, plus the usual "free food and a T-shirt" sort of bribes. They are trying to get 75-90 people per ceremony for five ceremonies, so that's..... $28,175 at bare minimum that they are willing to pay people to put up with that drama! Well, good job on them being willing to pay that much for it, anyway. That said, still not gonna. I've been to...I forget how many 15-20ish?.... and frankly, I don't want to go to any more unless forced to. I'm SO tired of graduations. I don't deal with them for any jobs any more and eff it.

Dawn has this friend Mary who lives in another state and started spamming a group text Dawn sent over and over and over and over again, and Loretta was all "take me off this email list." I can't help but laugh.

I ordered pink skorts and a pink sports-ish bra to go under the bridesmaid dress, then sent Linda this info and she was all, "Well, Sally wants to trim the dresses in black and wants a black bra, let's ask her opinion" and I just want to be all, why black (um, no, I don't think that'd be great on many levels, and also wedding?!) and I don't wanna look for another damn bra. Why is Sally the costume designer all of a sudden? I do not get this?

I did have therapy today...of sorts...she had surgery yesterday, is having more surgery tomorrow, and desperately had to pop an Oxy(!) for agonizing pain at the start of the session, which obviously meant she couldn't finish it. I will.... decline to state my opinions on that topic, other than "I think I probably made her feel bad by saying I had problems with her bailing last week, so she felt obligated to do it even if she wasn't in any condition to," but at least I wasn't totally in the mental toilet this week and could deal with that. She said she wasn't bothered by that, but I dunno.

Mostly before her brain turned to mush, I said that since I didn't run into you-know-who and talking to him did not come up, I've decided--especially since I may be sad and lonely but am in an off-again phase on this topic--to not bother saying anything. I can't even get the kind of friendship I'd want with him, so why bother putting effort into what was clearly meant to be a acquaintance-level relationship and that's what he'd want anyway. She said I don't have to feel bad about pulling back from that. Especially since something did shift with him to put him off me, somehow. He doesn't want that relationship, just that I'm friendly in public and that's all, probably.

She said not everyone's as avoidant and scared of conflict as I am, and that the hope is that my issues matter less to me. True enough.

TnT2 rehearsal: What a zoo. Did from Santa Lucia to the cake cutting (almost to the end), keeled over about 20 minutes early, I think Heidi was about to die. That girl does a LOT in that show.

Much to my annoyance, Linda keeps insisting that everything is too long and cutting both of my songs. I don't so much care if she cuts the last verse of things, but she keeps cutting earlier and earlier, aid I was unpleased. Meanwhile Ed/Vinnie gets to sing HIS in full...grrrrrrr.

We did the Snake Girls dance again, Nunzio is now supposed to stagger through it, I was pushing him off.

The whole thing was exhausting tonight, honestly. I wanted a drink.

Quotes and notes:

Ed on doing standup in front of his son: "This is just kind of a giant fuck you to my son...." and also making comments about donkeys and smart vs. dumb asses.

William: "I play stoners, dumb guys, guys who fall down, and guys in suits." He is also in Robert from Shrek (the other pig)'s comedy horror movie right now, which involves a lot of running. He is pretty tired/injured right now.

Greg called this place "cornhole palace." That's legit. Me: "We can fight the cornhole people!"

Linda has decided to avoid the Thursday cornhole by having rehearsal back at the opera house on Thursday. She kept yelling, "Where are we at?" Greg: "Here." Me: "Way to pay attention." Later people yelled out random shit like "Your house!"

Nancy had on a shirt that said "Crazy Chicken Lady."

Linda is not having fun with the owner (I am pretty sure this is a "macho dude vs. woman" sort of dynamic). I am pretty sure this is a one-off gig at this place, for several reasons.

Rodney suggested sexy feeding me during the standup comedy. I said to do it dirty. William, watching the standup: "Johnny would not laugh through all of this." As Johnny: "I need to hit that bar." Me: "You hadn't noticed that?'

Marina and I decided that Joey has "the curse of the old people" because Uncle Lui falls down too. Joey's response to this: "I don't have the best track record. Sal is next on the hit list." And also "I'm glad I don't have to deal with women like that. Makes my life choices very clear."

Tina on her mother: "Everything is a surprise with her."

Marina and I were making commentary on why the guys would all kneel down in front of Mrs. V during Santa Lucia. We decided they must all have mommy issues. Her: "Mommy issues make things spicy."

Greg: "I want to get to the point where I'm home having a beer." Also: "You're all gonna be in detention."

Me watching Mark putting the cane around his neck: "Mark's gonna kill himself with his cane."

William: "Dancing with myself...I just had the worst images come to mind, that's not what I meant." Also: "The last night of the show, I'm going to punch you in the face. Really. No, I'm not." (Not sure who that was directed to.)

Mosquitos keep on biting me. I do not get Greg's affection for them. Him: "They're like little puppy dogs showing their love."

Joey dances with Nunzio. William: "Is there something you want to tell us?"

At the end of my cut-off second song, I flipped the bird at Dominic and Rose. WHY THE HELL, IN AN ALMOST ENTIRELY DESERTED AREA, DID THREE SMALL CHILDREN SUDDENLY SHOW UP AT THAT MOMENT?!?! You've heard "why do birds suddenly appear every time you're near," but with me, it's small children every time I sing Hot N' Cold and do something dirty in it.

William on the script: "Who wrote this?" Me: people in the 80's. William: "Coked up people." Also: "I have lots of tattoos. They're just dots, though."

Linda to Robert: "You're the only one who gets to be naked." and "Tony is not allowed to be naked." I note the latter is during a point where Tina tries to go down Tony's pants in public. Manny: "I don't care."

I note that since we have an Uncle Lui, there is a scene where Tina insults Lui's diaper-wearing and Lui slaps her. I was all, "Do you know how to fake slap?" and Mark managed to engineer a slap where he slaps Heidi's hand to make the slap sound, while still holding the cane in the other hand. Good job there.

Tony: "That's my favorite uncle!" Me: "He's not YOUR uncle." Tony: "He is now."

William on Tony's finally getting ticked at Tina: "This is the one time you act in the show."

Linda: "We have a fake cake." William: "We call them vegan cakes now." Linda also mentions the "hole in the back," which led to a lot of laughs.

Rodney: "Trying to channel Daniel Day-Lewis."

Linda: "You wanna see how this show ends?"

On a good news side, I found out what show Robert is doing in Vacaville: it's a melodrama company and he's playing Ben Franklin. It's on the last weekend of the month, so I should be able to make that.

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