Chaos Attraction

Rehearsal Birthday Again

2023-04-24, 3:22 p.m.

It's my birthday. I don't feel at half life, for sure. Don't look like it either, thankyouverymuch. Attempted to sleep in, but kept having random dreams about being assigned to a weird dorm. Otherwise have just piddled around this morning.

I got my hair re-reddened, it looks lovely. Had the same hairdresser as last time, she liked the photos I took of it last time, so that worked out. She's working on the English. Her work is lovely, though. I attempted to selfie myself at home after that.

Went out for Chinese for lunch with Mom, Roger, and Dawn, and all was pretty chill and mellow. I saw OldBoss out with her husband at the same time, we waved. Dawn went to the mountains for her anniversary and had photos from the Bigfoot museum, delightful. (Less delightful: Ron's cancer has gotten worse...well, I suspected as much.)

After that, I took them and my little Oreo cake out to a park for dessert, then Dawn left to go buy a TV and the rest of us chilled there for a bit, then Roger took a nap while Mom and I hit the bookstore. Then they went home and I ate the rest of the Chinese food.

Ashley said the results of her stress test were very bad, like "Stanford better move real damn fast on the heart transplant" level of bad. I said well, we knew you needed one anyway, maybe that motivates them.

I have uploaded some craft pictures and made a necklace today.

TnT2 rehearsal: outside at Green River (with the bug bites, but at least the temperature was fine) tonight. Did Maddy dances on the bar/Love Train/Vinnie's standup comedy. I note Ed has written his own script because the previous one was very 80's. Sadly, no Mrs. V around to canoodle with Nunzio/chase Tina around the bar. I don't know how THAT is going to work either if she's still got the boot. Uh-oh. Nancy subbed in for her tonight. I did have to reiterate to a few people that no, we're not actually doing all that cocaine in the script, and read aloud the part on drugs in the back to William (the authors think it depicts society or whatever).

I got the bridesmaid dress. It fits, thank goodness, because I dunno when I'd have time to get that adjusted. Sadly, there will be no parade because 80% of people were busy. Darn it .

Quotes and notes: There's references to "a more private location." I'm wondering where that's going to be. There's mention of Dom and Donna making out under the table. We did not do that, beyond "no, we are seriously not crawling under the table."

Tony: "I haven't been able to control my dad my whole life."

Rodney: "I think he should give her a hickey." Gail: "Tramp is a state of mind." Rodney: "That includes penicillin, usually."

Manny: "Where's the bar? Oh, it's very low. I don't think a Smurf could limbo that bar."

Linda: "Any other questions that I cannot answer for you?" She said that the bar owner, John, said, "I just love making her nervous." "All right, everybody, clear as mud." "Father Mark, you're enjoying the dance too."

Dominic: "Hey, Tina, not that I care, but look at your dad." Also: "Keep it in the family, you know what I mean?"

William noted that the first show is on Cinco de Mayo, and said to Rodney, "You'll probably be drunk since 10 a.m." Rodney: "You racist pig." I believe there was some references to hat dancing made after that.

Johnny: "Tony, I told you to take half the pill, not the whole one." Tony: "I took 2." Dominic: "I'm gonna pee in the bushes."

Linda: "MRS. V HAS MADE YOU QUIET!!!" Rodney: "She can try."

Afterwards, we did the bridesmaid dance and the carpool left without me because Heidi could take me home (I asked if she wanted in the carpool, but she said she's been working in Winters most of the time and was already over there.) The dance rehearsal went well, and I had an amazing talk with Heidi on the way home about auditioning for things, the head games you have when your friends are getting stuff and you are not/when you can tell someone's just going to get stuff and oh well, move on, how the same people get cast for things at DMTC, don't take it personally. She was very, very sweet. She's awesome.

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