Chaos Attraction

Mr. Stabby Stabby

2023-05-17, 4:10 p.m.

Welp, it's been a day.

In the morning staff meeting, I found out that GRANDBOSS LURKS ON REDDIT, specifically the local one, and announced that the foot fetish guy who worked at the CC has now been fired. Unfortunately I burst out with a dramatic "WAIT WHAT?!" sort of reaction to that, which probably gave away that I'm on there....and have talked shit about work on Reddit in general, if not on the local one. I then had to go through and delete every single post for the last 3-4 months in which I complained about work, and old journal links I posted 11 years ago, apparently. That should generally have cleared out everything she'd snoop on and object to (you wanna read about me talking about theater and Ted Lasso, cool beans), but I am now semi-seriously considering having to start a new account. DAMMIT. Vicky is probably doing the same for all I know, as we talked about how we both lurk on the local Reddit but usually don't say anything so they don't bug us about work, and she was as shocked as I was on this whole thing, or at least Mr. Foot Fetish who was too stupid to not blab what he was doing openly and under his full name.

I went to another active shooter class today. I gotta like a cop who starts out with, “Sometimes it gets me into trouble, but I think the truth is more important.” Anyway, he said they had to revamp the class from "actiive shooter" to "response to an active assailant" because of "stabby stabby guy," I both laugh at this and also he said he couldn't remember the guy's name, which is so odd to me because HOO BOY DO I REMEMBER IT. He also referred to him "Mr. Stabby Stabby." He said that someone knew he was on the radar for bad behavior, but not the police, and that "somebody dropped the ball somewhere." He also reported that the roommates came home, SAW HIM COVERED IN BLOOD, and didn't think anything of it! They didn't know him, they just lived with him....He said the local PD was great at asking for help, but not giving details about anything re: this situation. He also said that scientific profiling doesn't exist, the only link between serial killers is some form of mental illness, most of them are men, and sometimes based on a personal/professional relationship. He said it wasn't "testosterone poisoning," just men having an inability to process emotions.

He kinda kept apologizing for the training being (slightly) disturbing, and I said, “This is the least disturbing training I’ve been through." Nobody had guns in the room, nobody shot at me, after all.

We got out 45 minutes early, so I took some time to read outside and have a snack before going back to work, where I was out for 2 hours and more drama blew up without me, groan. Seriously, you can't be out any length of time without someone screaming my name on chat even when I said I was going to be out for 2 hours. In this case, I told a guy in January we didn't throw out documents, AND GUESS WHAT, HE COMES BY IN MAY AND NOW WE THREW OUT EVERY DOCUMENT. My coworker (i.e. she who threw out this s tuff and kept track) took care of it.

The Stitches drama continues, as (a) apparently the business hasn't actually filed for bankruptcy yet (I had Denise check for me as a lawyer, just to make sure), still, and (b) people are now fighting over which vendors that got screwed by Stitches are skiffybad or whatever. Lord, what a mess.

Looks like there's no new tap teacher in summer, bleah.

Carpool news: Robert and company want to leave as early as possible to have dinner first, the show is sold out and William never got a ticket. Darn it. I was looking forward to seeing him.

Sent a letter to Cameron in which I mentioned that some nameless person faked sick to not go to a show of mine. I was going to spell out exactly who, then thought I probably shouldn't, but I wanted to. I was also going to put this sentence: "Scott has unfortunately made me uncomfortably aware within the last year that I’m not up to his standards in a lot of ways." But she's better friends with him than with me, and I still probably have to keep the fucking secret for eternity. I'm so tired of pretending things are okay.

Baby bought her first CBD/CBN gummies today. So THAT happened. Per it being "Wyld Wednesday" and some kind of sale(?) day at the joint that was at the celebration last Friday, I did it once I got home from work. GOOD LORD, FINDING THE LOCATION WAS A PAIN IN THE ASS. GPS kept trying to direct me to Recology over and over again. They are not only in like, the Industrial Area of town, they are waaaaaaaaaay in the back and very hard to find and I felt like a crazy person by the time I finally found it. Then walked in, was confronted by a security guard (albeit a very nice one) and felt even weirder.

They scan your ID, make you sign an agreement to not do stuff like open your products in the parking lot or around children or whatever, and then I was waited on by the same redhead guy I asked last time, so he knew what I was in for. My therapist said maybe take 1/8 of the gummy and he said for sleep I might need 1/4 to do the trick, but up to me to work up to it.

I went over to Ashley's, we watched the finale of The Masked Singer. I had guessed the macaw was David Archuleta--I barely know anything about the guy, but I knew it was him. Ashley eventually guessed Bishop Briggs, and she got that right. Called it for both of us.

At 10:15 p.m. I took 1/8 of a gummy. We'll see how this goes.

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