Chaos Attraction

Henna Hunt

2023-05-29, 6:47 p.m.

Today I slept in, then went to the Sacramento County Fair. Took pictures of lizards, turtles, and an alligator (I saw the alligator getting a head massage and looking quite blissed out). Put a giant puzzle of the world together, which was awesome. Had a corn dog and Dole Whip and watched that 80's guy who does juggling and two guys wearing drums on their head doing a show. I found a bunch of pretty rocks/jewelry and two card decks I have never been able to find IRL and bought them. Huzzah! So that was about three hours.

After that, I went to the nearest World Market to buy henna (something that can no longer be done in my town, apparently). and the fellow helping me find it loved my outfit, then he told me he'd complimented someone else recently and that person reported him for stalking. Poor guy, he said it ruined his day. I was all "awww," and "sometimes people just have their own shit," and he was super sweet. Him and the other guy told me to buy all the henna (2 packs) because otherwise they didn't know when they'd get more of that, so I did. Then I went home before traffic got too bad. And then covered myself in overdone henna on both legs and the left arm/hand :P The rest of the night will be spent trying not to knock myself into henna, which I am failing at already.... Okay, I showered it all off. I always forget that on me, henna comes out a weird light orange and you literally barely see it on me. Sheesh.

I guess one of my theater recruiting efforts got somewhere, because it sounds like Rachel did email Rodney after all. He said something like hola, heard from your friend, hope she doesn't suck! LOL. Hey, at least there's one...Robert texted me saying he wished William would do it, and I'm all "I tried, he doesn't wanna repeat shows, what can you do" on that topic. Beyond that, I have no effing idea on getting dudes. I posted on FB and that's all I got. Doesn't look like anyone else got dudes either. HMMMMMMMMM.

And karaoke is NOT going on for the holiday, grr, argh.

I have turned down Sutter Street. Felt weird doing it, but oh well...

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