Chaos Attraction

Much Ado Begins

2023-05-31, 6:49 p.m.

Work: I had to put in for vacation days--I'm taking some random stray ones here and there this summer to burn 'em off--and told Mom I had to change theater tickets (she's not happy) and had to put in for my in-person shifts.

Surprise factor: ONLY during summer, they are letting us not have to go into the office on Fridays--they're going to make the public service team (implied: "everybody," I hope that doesn't mean REALLY) sit on Zoom all shift time in case anyone wants to "come in." LOL on this. Anyway, that's good news, but also gave me less options as to when to do my time, so I'm going to have to do a bunch of therapy days in office. Bleah.

In other news, both my teammates were in the office when Important Documents came in, I had to let them handle the whole thing. Well, most of it was fine....hopefully, anyway, only one problem child in that. I spent the day clearing out old documents that I think they didn't realize didn't process out :P

Rehearsal: first reading of the play. Some of us were assigned to roles we probably won't normally do (I read Borachio as well, that's a pretty weird combo), Linda dropped by to read along. Rodney's kid Amelia was supposed to be filming rehearsal for social media and um...yeah, I don't think that happened much tonight with either of them, dunno what to say on that.

We did get another recruit, Nick. I don't know who he is or where he was recruited from (I note Cameron was all, "we literally recruited a lady last time when she walked by and wanted to know what was going on, she was great"), other than he used to teach middle school and he looks A HELLUVA LOT LIKE EDDIE, like literally I had to keep reminding myself he was not Eddie. He did Leonato. Rachel read "Leonato's brother" (why is this guy always called that? He has a name at one point, Anthony!) and may end up with Ursula even though Cameron was reading that one. So with Rachel also joining and Jessica's son, that's nine. How many more to go?! Dominic never responded back to Rodney, but apparently he's also 14, so...yeah. We were told that Janene recruited another student, Cameron, for tomorrow night, so we'll see there.

Notable snark: commentary on having a heavy metal/punk version of "Sigh No More," hoping new people don't suck (they did not).

Me after listening to Benedick rag on me: "I feel insulted." Rodney: "Put that on your Tinder profile, Jennifer!" Upon reading some ragging on Benedick later, I was all, "put that on HIS Tinder profile."

Me on "why is the prince wooing Claudio for Hero:" "Like that makes sense?" Rodney: "Can't do it yourself? Man up!"

Rodney: "There's Margaret, in all her hussiness, eating a salad."

On Dogberry's lines (I note Janene, professional speech teacher, is doing this): Cameron: "You don't know what to say, but you say it with bravado." Rodney: "This is wonderful irony, a teacher of speech and debate.... This is gonna ruin her career. Janene, you're too good."

Me, finding a suspicious reference in the plot for no good reason: "Did Shylock just wander in?"

Rodney: "Yup, Hymen, that's a real goddess." (I note Germaine played that one and renamed it to Hera in As You Like It.)

Benedick says "I will stop your mouth." Me: "Good luck." (Jessica was amused.)

As a whole lot of horn references were being made, Sarah's eyes got bigger, and bigger....

Cameron on the end as to what happens to her character: "Plot hole." Wrapped up!

Did we scare Nick off? No. "I taught middle school."

I have nineteen pages with dialogue. A good chunk of them are like, 1 line, but I do get to do more matchmaking in the middle, so there's that.

I did bring up double casting, i.e. I THINK WE'RE GONNA NEED TO DO THAT. I am not a director and don't wanna, but there's a fair chunk of people who are in like 1-3 scenes at the most and don't do much that you could either cut or double cast--I note the Watch doesn't overlap with all that many people. Amelia was all, "They do it in Hamilton." Rodney wasn't that into the idea because of costume changes--I gather he'd wanted to have Cameron also do Ursula, but there isn't the time--and I said I could write up a list of who's in what scene and he could figure it out, which I did when I got home.

Tomorrow night: opening, some Dogberry, beyond that, I do not know.

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