Chaos Attraction

Groomal Shower

2023-06-02, 9:30 p.m.

In office day today. We are having a bridal shower for a dude. I had a dream about this last night, mixed in with "we had to move offices to Second Street" and "I can't get the computers to work and I have to process three deaths." I don't normally have work dreams, but sheesh. I note I did not say this to coworkers.

Other than the groomal shower, it was a dull, dull, dull day. I'm not kidding when I say people were spending the last hour rearranging the kitchen and finding a dead bug and debating whether or not it was a cockroach or a cricket. I got library books at some point on Much Ado and read all the Much Ado chapters, openly in the LOOK YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE ME IN HERE office, it was so slow.

I got home and frankly, was still in that funk. I took 1.5 anxiety gummies and mostly still feel normal except for feeling kinda brain dead and vaguely tired, which I did already but now it's a bit more. I just re-henna'd myself some more and read shit on my phone and couldn't really concentrate on anything. Weather's nice, though.

I have nothing to do this weekend. NO plans since Woodminster's not on. I note Mom and I had a text fight over this and I do not want to get into it. I feel blah and bored and nothing interesting's going on this weekend but Pride festivals, but as an evil straight person I do not feel okay attending those. I briefly went to one on campus today and I felt guilty.

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