Chaos Attraction

I Did A Work Project In One Day

2023-02-23, 6:15 a.m.

Today at work (in-office day):

(a) Turns out Jared from the Craft Center was asked into the all staff (Zoom) meeting to give a talk on crafting, which made me feel sad, obviously. I note that he got a lot more interest from people than I did when I gave similar talks, albeit perhaps now we have more craft people on staff than we did at the time. I will note that one coworker was messaging me about VIVA LA CRAFTS, hahah, during that.

I note that he has this giant poster from Futurama behind him on Zoom that says "A mindless worker is a happy worker, shut up and do your job." I do not think Jared has done enough work Zooms to have noticed this, and I am NOT gonna tell him. I laughed and laughed. And took a screenshot. And sent it to people.

(b) That also reminded me to look into the quilling class that they were offering this term, since I have no show and thus no reason I can't do it. There was one slot left, so I signed up for next Sunday. (I note I told coworker this and then she was all "I saw a cool quilt...." lol.

(c) Yemi told me that she saw a Zoom chat with Peggy Orenstein happening next week, so I signed up for that and moved my lunch shift. Huzzah! (Also huzzah for finally getting their webpage to load, because boy, did that have Problems.)

(d) Discovered that my coworker who wanted to do the mail yesterday didn't finish doing it--which fine, I'll do it--but then she BENT ALL THE CORNERS AGAIN on 3 of the 4 remaining ones, and those three have to be specially shipped to international clientele. Now, I as a peon can't tell her to not bend the corners or pay more attention when she puts them into the box (I note I don't want them put in the box, but have been very overruled), and then said we'd have to reorder them again. Then NewBoss was all "ask them if they want them while bent," which, SIGH, and then I had to have her edit my email as to asking them this. Sheesh.
Also, did she bend the corners on everything else she put into the mail?
Also I note that she thinks you can smooth the corners out if it's not that bad. Um...there were a few bends in these so um.....

(e) Actually got Quarterly Project DONE for the day (at 4:18 p.m., this is a record to have all this shit done in a day rather than a week) and it is now off for approval to the Gods of the Giant Org, though I am sadly told the Head God is taking a personal day tomorrow so thus he won't lift the magic pen of approval until Monday, the OFFICIAL DEAD LAST DEADLINE DAY. Sigh.

(c) So I was happy about that, and then was all, hey, let's proofread names before NewBoss goes off to bachelorette party weekend, and that's when we figured out circa 4:53 today that that program is broken and saving nothing. GRRRRRRR.... well, we can't order anything till next week anyway, I guess.

(f) On the good news side, I got to stay in during lunch--was going to go out with Rachel and then we both agreed it was too damn cold--and I finished my skirt! Looks cute! Can't wear it tomorrow like I wanted to because of rain, but it's still done! Maybe next week.

Another night of nothing to do with my life but get drunk, knit, and watch For All Mankind. Looks like the end of season 2 is ramping up again.

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