Chaos Attraction

Holmes and Watson

2023-03-19, 10:06 p.m.

Saturday: Didn't do much today. I went back to dance improv class, which was a good time and at one point literally involved Silly Walks. After that, I went to lunch with Ashley and Jim and then to Joann's so Ashley could get more yarn, then I went home (she doesn't want to karaoke). I went to the library, didn't get anything, then felt tired and went home. I was expecting it to be a lovely sunny day and it was dry but GRAY today and I swear that drains me. I went to bed for a few hours and still didn't lose consciousness. Bleah. Tonight I do fuckall except watch TV and knit again.

Sunday: I didn't do much of anything today (raining again, Rae did not hit me up for going to the craft fair in that) except to go see "Ms. Holmes and Ms. Watson," which is apparently a new play by Kate Hamill, i.e. "She Who Did That Really Silly Version of Pride and Prejudice I Saw In Summer." I'm thinking this lady may be inherently a bit silly? Because while there wasn't any weird butts-and-guts singing or out of character references, it's still somewhat silly in tone?

Anyway, the plot of it is "Lady Holmes and Lady Watson, in spring 2021," and Joan Watson is now a New Yorker ex-doctor because she developed all of her panic attack stuff during the pandemic (I do say, nice use of that as a backstory, though the rest of the show is all "everything is back to normal again," except for finding out that Holmes did a kitten puzzle while alone in pandemic and periodically makes kitten references), and then they do Holmes lies around and acts dramatic and smokes a pipe, Lestrade drops by periodically. They do a revised "Study in Scarlet," then bring on Irene Adler for Bohemia in Act 2 (she banged a Texas cowboy politician and got his tape), then they do a "have them run in place while we throw objects at them like a fake snake and make barking noises" montage, then go right on to Moriarty, who is.... well, see below.

I note they have two of this theater's regular improv players playing "Lestrade and others" and "Irene Adler and others" (notably the landlady and a dead body in a bathtub). If you remember my seeing "The Last Claus," this was the lady who walked in with her husband and dog, made a vague excuse for being late and then walked offstage, leading the director and understudy to take over? Well, in the program she says they got covid and then those people had to take over. Which is what you'd normally figured, but why the whole "walking in late, said we stubbed our toe" stuff?! Anyway... in this one, they have her in a bathtub for like 20 minutes while her body gets manipulated and the sound person plays some noise every single time she's moved. EVERY time she's moved. Clearly going for comedy here.

Anyway, Irene Adler comes on in PINK wig, Renaissance Faire lacy top with tails, leather pants, so that's what we're going with here for subtlety. I do give the playwright credit for writing a pretty twisty mystery story overall and keeping to the Holmes-ian levels of crazy. I dunno how I feel about Joan Watson being a New Yorker (ironically, the chick playing her is Indian and yet she had to do New York accent...I dunno if it was the best, but I note I'm trying to listen to New York Accent videos lately), it was kind of annoying/crass-ish, but also sorta worked?

I wouldn't say this is my favorite play of all time here, but at least it was interesting?

After that, I got groceries, made food, and watched the first half of For All Mankind. I do love my space show, except for everything involving Danny, which everyone hates. I am also getting a lot of work done on my Tesoro sweater--I finished the body of it and after I do the neckline, I've just got sleeves to go. However, I'm using my sleeve needles on another sleeve right now (the Encanto project) so I may need to finish one or the other off first before I do that.

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