Chaos Attraction

Vivian's Girls

2023-03-25, 7:21 p.m.

I was up watching the Women's Storytelling Festival this morning and one lady is performing as a very feisty Clara Barton and it's delightful. I note that the previous lady going before her, Laura Deal, was ("after last night, I feel like I can tell ANYTHING," after all the sex stories) talking about her grandparents parking and necking. "Clara" made a few pot shots at Laura about parking, which was hilarious. I feel very bad for the person going after her!

I note the next storyteller, Bowen Lee, literally brought up a chair and stuck a Pikachu toy on it and started chanting "Pi-ka-chu!" and imitates kids yelling, "I'm not cutting, you're cutting!" and how the kids have renamed "rock, paper, scissors" Pikachu.

I finished the St. Anne novena thing today. Probably nothing will happen with that either, right? :(

Mom is finally able to drive herself on the freeway, so that headed off a bunch of arguments, and I loaded up the rest of the podcasts on Lucille Ball for distraction from fighting, which nearly happened a few times. She was all "why can't we talk about things?" and "Why can't we discuss things from different points of view?", well I had to head off her usual "can't Jen fix her work situation?" and "God, Jen, how much more did he have to do for you to get the point that he said no?" Wheeeeeee. I finally just said I haven't had much going on to talk about and I'm trying not to talk so much about problems that can't ever be fixed. Podcast, anyone?

Pretty Woman: I actually liked this one. GOD BLESS THAT THE PRODUCTION TEAM KEPT IT IN THE 80'S (they even got some of the original movie people to work on this) instead of turning into the 2020's with cell phones a la Tootsie. They were clearly having fun with the costumes, between replicating Vivian's wardrobe exactly and the 80's hooker wear and 80's sophisticate wear. They threw in a few more references to Edward taking Vivian dancing because musical, and the hotel concierge now does ballroom dance, albeit he does his dances (TWICE) with Giulio the bellhop rather than Vivian.

I must note that the Happy Guy ("What's your dream?") AND Bernard Thompson the hotel concierge AND Hollister the "suck up" guy, and a few other roles, were all done by the same guy, who did a fantastic job switching back and forth. At one point he turns up as the conductor in the orchestra ("There's a band!") and everyone laughed. That guy stole the show, especially on quick changing.

The movie and musical stay pretty similar, albeit they don't have use of a car in the show for obvious reasons, and more dancing, and Vivian punches Stuckey out herself a few times before Edward shows up. It's also about as sexy as the movie was (Mom the next day: "Did they actually have sex?" Me: "Yes. A bunch of times. About like you saw."), and I especially enjoyed the dream-themed songs in this one and am considering buying the soundtrack for those. It seems clear in this one that Vivian just needed some folks to believe in her/build her up/encourage her instead of treating her like shit like her mother and "bum magnet" boyfriends did. I seriously started writing fanfic in my head about Vivian 20+ years later starting her own Cinderella-ish foundation in which she helps down-on-their-luck women in a pay-it-forward, sponsorship sort of way and there's a whole network of Vivian's Girls.

After that, we went out for Thai food for dinner, which was delicious, then I just chilled at the house and stayed overnight. This time I knew to bring the very good earplugs to drown out the ticking clock, so that helped.

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