Chaos Attraction

Bring Back The NYC Accent!

2023-03-30, 7:32 p.m.

Written pre-audition:
Another dull in-office day, but at least it's the last one this week. I sat through a meeting and didn't say a damn thing. If anything went wrong, it's on them. Also, I found more bent Important Documents in the office while dealing with mail.. I think we literally have more bent ones than un-bent ones, because people are not paying attention worth a damn. The most excitement was me ordering a new phone case.

News from other people:

(Redhead) Sarah is having a literal shit day. I mentioned her bathroom was getting redone? Well, there's been a shitsplosion in there and one kid broke a tooth somehow. Clearly her chaos magnet is going off yet again.

I asked Rachel about the Ted Lasso therapist situation and she thinks he'd lose his license for that.

There was some "dream house" Jackie wanted to buy a year ago that she didn't get. Well, it's now yellow tagged, unlivable, and a landslide took out the whole backyard and is encroaching on the house!

Trump got indicted!!!!

I asked Robert how the audition went. People in attendance: From previous TnT: Brian, Nancy, Mark, Robert, Nancy Other Winters players: Gail, Tom (don't really know him, he was in the Christmas shows), Bill (Gail's husband, I was told by Linda he's not doing it after all), Bridget, some random new guy named Ed. No Cameron, but maybe tonight, I dunno.

This sounds like an...older...crowd so far. Last time we had a mix of 20somethings that were mostly the wedding party and then the rest of us. I don't see too many 20somethings for the wedding party or anyone that is likely to be cast as a bridesmaid, for example. Of course, we'll see who shows tonight and Robert's assuming Jean returns. But it'll be interesting if there's some kind of shakeup for who gets cast in those roles if there's a lot more older women. I dunno. We'll see tonight.

I wonder if I'd end up with a younger part if most of the cast is older women this time? I dunno.

Auditions: Previous TnT: Manny, Greg, Ana, me. Other Winters folks: William from Coney Island (happy to see him, he's fun), Rodney (surprise there) Newbies: Julia, who is sweet 18 or so, seems to have done kids shows there, adorbs, clearly Tina; and Denise, who is from my town, older, CAME DRESSED IN COSTUME, I love it. She said someone pranked her that it was in Davis (huh?!? why would anyone do that?).

No Cameron (darn it), no Jean or any of her family. I am disappointed that more people didn't come back, though in all honesty, I'm fine with not having That 70's Scott back....dude was funny but exhausting. I think Rodney might end up being That Guy this time though...he wasn't quite doing what Linda wanted in improv games and at one point she said, "You sure you wanna be in this show?" and he was all "Not with you yahoos!" So... hmmmmm.

We had SO much fun. Audition was outside at GR while a cornhole tournament was going on (Linda was not thrilled with that, said we won't rehearse Thursdays because of it), but pretty much everyone immediately got into NYC accents. Started out with improv game stuff (I note that Greg, a smoker, was trying to sell us on cigarettes being "green"), then did a few character scenes.

I did Mrs. V with Julia (and Manny jumping in) on wedding dresses, the nun (!) trying to get people to sing a song (I did "99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall," then got told to do something else, so did "Fly Me To The Moon"), did Donna breaking up with Dominic (Manny) to go on Star Search, did Maddy out with Nunzio (Rodney) giving Julia (waitress) was all fun. Manny could rattle off terrible Vinnie jokes off the cuff, wow. We all yelled out stuff and made jokes during other people's scenes. I note at one point Rodney was all "I'm going to help her look for her cat" and I was all "No, you're looking for her PUSSY" and that nailed it .

(I note that Linda described the nun as "looking like a princess," which (a) is not in the script, she's literally called a "turdburger" and (b) explains Sierra getting cast for it, because she does.)

I am happy to report that I IMMEDIATELY WENT INTO DOING OBNOXIOUS NEW YORK ACCENT like, perfectly flowing out of me. I guess I just do New York accent when surrounded by other (fake) New Yorkers? Anyway, that was SUPER FUN to get that accent back, I hadn't been able to do it home alone but around others? Like buttah.

The tricksy thing with this show is that we don't have too many young'uns in it for the bridal party this time. I presume Manny (again) and Brian and William and Julia and other than that, I dunno? They may have to stretch it and put Robert and me in with the younguns. Looks like there may be competition for the older lady roles. Denise seemed like she'd make a great Grandma Nunzio or Mrs. V. Maybe Linda needs to call some people and beg, I dunno. I may actually end up with something else? Who's to say? Linda said she'd decide over the weekend.

Rehearsals will be at Green River outside (wear your warm clothes, folks--Denise borrowed Linda's coat), not every day, and Saturday rehearsals will be at...drumroll please...the bar owner's ranch, which of course is "out in the middle of nowhere." Hmmmmm, we'll see.

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