Chaos Attraction

The Masked Moose

2023-03-29, 7:30 p.m.

It is so goddamned rainy today. I thought yesterday was supposed to be The Big One, but almost every time I was outside it was pouring. Blech. I find it very frustrating that no matter how much rain there is, even if every crop in California flooded out and all of Sacramento floated away, we'd STILL be all "We need the rain! We're in a drought!"

Anyway: in office day, boring, I spent all day changing people's names. I was so tired and bored by midafternoon.

I had my last tap class today. None of the regulars were here, but Sofia from DMTC was! She said she normally does Irish step on these days, but it was off today. So it was good to see her. Ann (the tap teacher) and I said our goodbyes. She's being forced to move to SF on FRIDAY even though her job doesn't start until JUNE because her landlord here was being a dick about her moving out. That doesn't really surprise me given what landlords here are like, mind you.

After that, I went to Ashley's and did the same thing as last week. The Masked Singer had George Wendt on it as a moose. That was...odd.

I saw this on Ask A Manager and thought, "Yeah, I was thinking about writing this...."

I saw this answer at the bottom of the page: "the solution is to make giving criticism less satisfying in a way that he will find hard to stop. So, my advice is to be very open to feedback. Oh, you think I should have used email! Great, walk me through that. Oh you doesn’t have time to go into it? Well, I want to be able to implement all the feedback you give me, so let’s set up a meeting! Oh you think I should be able to figure it out? Well boss, I’m so happy you’re invested in what I’m doing but I don’t see things like you do, because I think I would have gotten the documents in the same amount of time. Since your perspective is so different, boss, I’d like to be able to benefit from your expertise, so that I can make better decisions! etc, etc. Your boss is getting dopamine from criticism, so you need to nicely make it less dopamine friendly for him."

I like this idea, but I'm not sure how to execute it.

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