Chaos Attraction

Why Does Prayer Not Work For Me?

2023-03-28, 7:29 p.m.

Work: today is Tedious Email Nagging Day, whee. I also got told to go through literally year-old emails sent to OldBoss to see if she's ever responded to them. Most of it thankfully was, hopefully the rest of the bucks can get passed to NewBoss since I made her a long, tedious list of "I have no way to know if this was answered" levels of stuff. Then I sent god only knows how many nag emails, and of course I got another snitty one bitching me out about our deadline being too soon and "as you know, Bob, my thing is very workload-intensive" blah blah blah. I had to send another apology email apologizing for nagging him EVEN THOUGH LITERALLY I AM REQUIRED TO. I hate this shit.

My therapist canceled again. :(

Still working on listening to the storytelling festival. One lady (Julie Bradshaw) told a story about after 19 years of not finding anyone, she put in a prayer to God and she met someone five days later. Why does this never work for me? (Though I note she seems to have put in a prayer 15-ish years beforehand leaving it up to God and God didn't do anything then....)

Then there was Stacy Parish, who was told she was complete shit as a kid, abused in every possible way, and always wanted to perform since she was a little kid, but was always told she was awful. ME TOO on that last bit. Anyway, as an adult she goes to see Les Mis and she loves "On My Own" (me too) and is thinking that she should have been on Broadway and her destiny was thwarted. Well, during the "the world is full of happiness that I have never known" line, she has an epiphany about how she was meant to be in the audience. Well, she and her sister, who are crying, are being checked on by the guy behind them. They run into him again after the show and he turns out to be Young Cosette's dad and takes them backstage...and Stacy literally got to go on the Broadway stage. Stacy won first place, I'm very happy for her.

And later, Carol Moore started ranting about having to repeat and prove the same shit over and over again to men because THEY WILL NOT BELIEVE YOU (in her case, the keys went down a certain area of the car and the repair guy didn't believe her), and I was all HEAR HEAR.

Singing lesson: went back to "Vanilla Ice Cream" today, sounds like we're just going to switch back and forth between things. I haven't done this one in awhile so I rather feel like it all fell apart in remembering what the hell the notes were. Neither of us has any idea when to schedule for next week because her day off changes from Tuesdays to (some) Wednesdays and that's when I'll be in rehearsal...hopefully. Who knows. I shouldn't count chickens. Other fun fact: I said I've been doing breathing exercises daily and then thought to ask, "how long am I supposed to be doing them for?" Oh, like 10-15 minutes....and I'm all, yeah, haven't remotely been doing it THAT long. Um.

You know what, I think the whole issue with Avenue Q was that I shouldn't have auditioned for it. I shouldn't audition at strange theaters for something I actually care about. If I'm never going to be good enough for anybody and I'm going to get butthurt if I actually want it, maybe I just won't go for it?

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