Chaos Attraction

This Whole Play Is Terrible Decorum

2023-04-11, 6:11 p.m.

Work: more tedious list stuff, more orders of Important Documents, one of which was for yet another deceased person (sigh) and I got all of that done within like, a half hour, so go me. I have to have yet another meeting with management because NewBoss was all "you shouldn't have to key 130+ things by yourself" and I was all "eh, NBD, wouldn't have cared except for all the dire on fire shit that came up today first." And also I fucked up a bunch of records for someone else that I had to fix today, but I'm not telling her THAT one. Sigh. I don't know why I'm such a fucking fuckup, but I am. At least that lady is literally so grateful that one person responds to her emails that she doesn't seem to care....????

I am also running up against vacation time yet again, which is a pain in the patoot because between my job having busy season and assuming I go back to do some play this summer, I don't know when I'm free to be gone to do....I dunno, anything, I may just take one-offs here and there. I don't really have time for a whole week off and I have nowhere to go anyway and nobody to do it with, so why bother?

On a related note, I really should suck it up and watch some version of Sweeney Todd (stage, not Johnny Depp shudder...I looked at the webpage today and there's some note on it saying NOT LIKE THE MOVIE, THEY CUT THE ENSEMBLE IN THAT ONE.) to see if I could tolerate doing it or doing lights for it or just go DA FUCK NO on the whole thing. Uckadoo.

For the third week in a row, my therapist canceled again, another health incident again (in the hospital but at least it's a false alarm). I'm really not okay with this, but also there's nothing I can fucking say/do when "I'm in the hospital, thought I had a heart attack" comes up. She did write me a few emails though, so there's that, I guess. Suggested I look into schema training, whatever that is. Which is to say it came up yesterday on YouTube while watching videos from "The Personal Development School," something I wish had come up years ago when I was still trying to figure out how to get close with Scott, because clearly he's fearful avoidant and thus there was no point in trying. More on this later, probably.

In the meantime, I've decided to make another appointment with work therapy (they offer a few sessions, I did this years ago before getting my therapist) because the way things are going, this is probably going to continue and I need to talk to someone sooner/more available than this. They said "about seven sessions," so fine by me. Doing that tomorrow over the phone. The debate is whether or not to pick stupid crush issues or interminable, unsolvable work issues for a 7 therapy stint. Maybe go with the former since it's shorter. And also, see below.

On a good news side, Linda is holding a play reading (Shakespeare in Hollywood) on Sunday at 5:30! Very excited! Ken Ludwig does good stuff. Does that mean you-know-who is invited? Probably, albeit he wasn't on my section of the invite list (she seems to send these things in chunks). Does that mean he'd go? It's after his work ends, I don't think they were rehearsing, probably. Sigh. Maybe that'll be tomorrow's therapy talk. Ashley called today (doing better) and asked if Scott was doing Avenue Q to avoid me. Probably not, I said, I'm the one avoiding him.

TnT2 rehearsal: did the same opening scene/walk down the aisle/wedding ceremony 1.5 times, with confusion as to which sides we were sitting on, how the guys are supposed to come meet us to go down the aisle, in which order, whether or not Dom and I kiss per the script (Linda vetoed that, which I expected). We did have the new pianist, Emily, who seems quite cheerful, to play along for those parts. We did a bit of going-over afterwards on the song--she got the right pace, I note her sheet music has no bridge, so I'll have to tell Morgan that one.

I note that the supposed Bible verse that I'm reading (note: Connie/Laurel did it the last time and pretty much just read off a piece of paper), well....I had the idea I'd just look it up online and then print it out so I didn't have to type it out of the script, but surprise! That version is NOT IN THERE. It looks pretty well paraphrased. HMMMMMM. I mentioned this to Linda and said I was going to read it like I was paraphrasing it, which she was fine with. Mostly

Quotes: "The big organ is over there." -Mark, pointing at Greg/Nunzio.

"I'm Father Mark, and I'll be doing confessionals over there."

Rodney to Emily: "Turn around and let me get a look at you." (I complained in character.)

William to Greg after his Nunzio intro: "And you're an alcoholic."

As Joey approaches to kiss Tina at the altar, me: "Kiss Tony!" Joey does. Manny-as-Tony: "People think we're married now."

As Father Mark says he loves Tony, me: "Wasn't expecting that confession form a priest." Denise: "He's a little touchy-feely."

Me: "Remember, the back door is always open." Denise: "Ask Joey."

On Tony's made-up vows, me: "He wrote that?" Heidi: "He was drunk last night."

Denise: "Dom, I know you don't mind a little closeness."

Denise: "Deja poop."

Emily: "Got no script at all, I'm winging it."

Manny: "I was forced to come here."

During the vows, Manny was wiggling his eyebrows and wincing at putting on the imaginary ring.

Denise asked Heidi when she was born and then said, "My T-shirt is older than you." (And same age as Manny.)

Linda: "I know it's terrible decorum--" Jean: "This whole play is terrible decorum!"

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