Chaos Attraction


2023-04-13, 2:52 p.m.

In office day, another boring day but at least I stayed out of trouble and didn't hear from anyone problematic Looking For Me.

The most interesting parts of it was looking up bridesmaid dresses on Amazon because Linda wants to get them off Amazon (I don't think this is the best idea, but not my decision, obviously) and nobody can shop IRL, apparently. I sent her some links.

Later: sigh Now Linda (just) wants to just get the old dresses adjusted...I'm trying to think of a tactful way to point out that one of us is plus sized and ain't no fucking way she's fitting into one of the old dresses, and since those were bought in 2019 you're not going to be able to get another one. Bleah. Seriously, I get not wanting to spend the money, but none of us are as little as the first three, everybody got boobies this time around, and stuffing me in would be a stretch enough. And then she was all "the lady I got to do alterations says they can make them smaller but not bigger" and I'm all my head. Sigh. I can't think of a polite way to head off trainwreck.

I saw that a Sacramento theater is having an event this weekend, so I signed up to go on Sunday when I have free time. Should be open before Linda's party. And Steve got tickets for Young Frankenstein next weekend, huzzah, so that's done. I had a bad moment of realizing odds are high Scott does show up for this one. Do I tell Steve to NOT sit us together privately? I debated doing this if he showed up for the last few shows, which he did not. That makes things awkward to point it out, but GOD FORBID WE BE SEEN AS A COUPLE AROUND OTHER PEOPLE, SO....

I am having an "off" day about Scott today, interestingly. I keep watching all these videos on fearful avoidants and while the videos are trying to be hopeful and nice (like I probably would have taken notes and would have loved it years ago), now I'm all what's the point? He was never going to, no matter what, and it's best to avoid him for the rest of my life so I'm not going to fall back into old wishes and hopes. What's the point in working so hard for someone who's so determined not to want to? Who's never going to get over his shit and waste his life like that?

I have the night off tonight, so time to do fuckall. I'm watching the "Goes Wrong" series--apparently there's "The Play That Goes Wrong" (previously mentioned here), "Christmas Carol Goes Wrong," I'm watching "Peter Pan Goes Wrong" and THE TV SERIES (there is one!) tonight. My, my. TV Tropes indicates there's two seasons and a lot more plays, I'll have to look for them all.

Today at work I got like 12 texts from Jackie. Jackie's grandmother wants to kick her and her mother out of the house so she can live alone, except she can't, and then she spends all her money and claims others are stealing it, and she told her dying daughter she hopes she (daughter) dies because she's a waste of space. Like I'm sure that's all dementia, but ....good god, her life's a nightmare. She called while I was away from phone and since I had my watch charging and the sound off, I missed it....and I didn't have the heart to call back.

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