Chaos Attraction

Storytelling About Musicals

2023-04-14, 2:55 p.m.

Another boring in-office day. Did go out to lunch with Rachel and talked theater stuff, which was fun. She is doing tech on Young Frankenstein. I heard one concerning thing, though..."I have a talent crush on The Monster." Now, this would be a comedy gold statement as is, but the guy who got The Monster is um....the guy I mentioned in Hunchback as having had himself a little incident involving photography and teen girls and a job loss and earning a cute nickname that I got in trouble for repeating. So I thought, RUH-ROH, but given the amount of shit I got for mentioning it at DMTC, I didn't say anything. He is apparently flirting with her even though she was dressed scroungy and looked her up/friended on FB/actually read what she wrote. But she's married and sounds like she's happy enough with her husband as far as I can tell, so it's not going to come to anything. ("I don't know if he does that with everyone anyway." Yeah, he might.) I'd be far more concerned if they were both single (note: I have no clue if he is or not, certainly not gonna ask) and I don't think she sounded super invested, thank goodness. Me: "Yeah, I asked mine out and got brutally rebuffed."

Other than that, it was a day where I did so many awful "must be done immediately" chore things at work that I was sick of doing them. I've done like 90% of the ones that came in this last week and this is about 80% of everything I've done. I almost did a Very Bad Thing to someone because I mixed up my spreadsheets, but at least caught it before it went too far. Unfortunately I had to report myself to NewBoss multiple times for (a) that one, (b) some complete rando asking me a scheduling question I had no idea about (WHY DO THEY PICK ME, WHYYYYYYYYY) and (c) someone's Super Crucial Information (by which I mean, not that crucial) was left off their Important Document. I think that was yet again tech fail because those things get left off every few years and here we go again, but still, it'll be my fault somehow. NewBoss did write back to the parent situation saying exactly what I said, but with a manager's signature.

Anyway, work sucks and I'm so glad to be out of it for 48 hours to keel over.

I have been told we're doing photos for the show on Tuesday, whether or not we have costumes. I don't think this is going to go well. Also, hell if I know what to wear in a picture without an outfit? I'm hoping that things will go so poorly that she just orders the best dress off Amazon and we're done with it by Tuesday.

Singing lesson: more Hot N' Cold and a bit of 50 Percent, gonna try to schedule for later on Wednesday because she has to take photos of the Newsies cast. So I can squeeze in tap class one last time before then. Then after that scheduling gets weird. She said "four of us are going out for Sweeney Todd" (yes, that'd be all of them) and then they were getting time off for callbacks, because of course they get callbacks. They are all only going for parts. Also Hugo said the ensemble are "singing brakes," because they just hold the set up. Definitely not going to do this. I don't want to talk myself into doing that one. Just...ugh, can't. Also, gonna avoid you-know-who. Then he can't do Winters Shakespeare....maybe I'll just do that one instead, skip Something Rotten.

I'm still having an "off" day in which I kind of hate him today. I found out about the word Anagnorisis and it fits. "Anagnorisis originally meant recognition in its Greek context, not only of a person but also of what that person stood for. Anagnorisis was the hero's sudden awareness of a real situation, the realisation of things as they stood, and finally, the hero's insight into a relationship with an often antagonistic character in Aristotelian tragedy.[1]"

I did sign up for a storytelling workshop tomorrow morning....8-9:30, right before I'd have to leave for rehearsal. That's slightly annoying but technically doable, right there. It's "collage techniques," whatever that means, but I need to do something to get back into writing again, anything might help.

On a related note, I'm watching a storytelling show tonight on musicals and there was one about a king who goes around in disguise and outlawing any way this other guy had to make a living. "I sell shoes." "I'm going to outlaw selling shoes!" "I'm going to switch to selling water." "I'm going to outlaw water!" Finally, the Job in this story joins the army and sells the silver sword he got to make money....and tells his so-called "friend." This time the king summons his army and calls upon his "friend" to behead a "criminal." Then the friend is all, "I call on a sign from God, if I'm meant to kill this man, may my sword be silver! If it's not, then it'll be wood!" LOLOLOLOLOL. That's a great fucking ending, but why the hell was the king doing this in the first place? Why be an asshole? THAT was not elaborated on at all. And seriously, why are you doing that to some guy who's been nothing but nice to you? That poisoned the story for me. The king just...turns into a batshit asshole out of nowhere, is even clarified. Oh, never mind...he just wants to make the guy miserable. The hostess didn't like the "toxic friendship" either, hear hear.

Then another guy (a former musical theater person) was telling a story about his magical iPod directing him regarding the weather. Sadly, he's over the whole thing, but it sounded like a cool story, darn it.

Then the lady who runs this storytelling festival told a story about how she loved musicals and singing, and had a teacher that straight up told her sister not to sing and shamed her (the storyteller) so much that she learned not to sing on her own. Then the teller married a good singer who also told her not to sing....and I just feel so bad for her. (They got divorced.) They did sing when their mother died, and after that she just gave up on music a lot of the time. She remarried a non-singer and still doesn't sing, until she started having kids. Because kids don't care if you can't sing. I felt sad and sniffly hearing this one, triggered a lot of things for me.

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