Chaos Attraction

RIP Stitches

2023-05-15, 4:08 p.m.

The big news here is that Stitches has gone bankrupt! I read online that (a) nobody had any idea that this weekend's last online show was the last one, (b) those teachers haven't been paid, nor ones from April, (c) the owner has shut down his social media. Now, a few months ago I was being hedgy about finding out some bad things about a business owner, but the person was threatening to dox people. Welp, um.... yeah, I guess maybe this isn't so much of a worry any more now, is it? I'm scouring Reddit for tea/news/drama. I'm not totally surprised given the stuff I read online in the last few months, but I'm still bummed that it's all over. The classes were very good and I really enjoyed the in-person shopping and nobody else is going to be replicating those aspects on that level anywhere else. We still have Lambtown for the shopping, albeit on a smaller level, but I've never really wanted to take their classes. This is a bummer.

I emailed Meg (haven't heard back yet) and Cameron, who actually gasp wrote back to an email. That tells you how serious that was....

As for work: found out that we're now going to have to fix THOUSANDS OF RECORDS in the future because "oops, you weren't supposed to change that" has been happening since 2018. I got yet another tedious long list of international crap. And I went to a one hour work therapy support group (one off thing) for People Affected By Working Here While A Serial Killer Was Going On. Had a nice chat with a therapist and a neighbor (lives a few blocks off) who was in an office dealing with the media drama. I also had to write my performance review, due at the end of the week. It probably took me 10-15 minutes tops since I literally copy and paste the exact same job responsibilities, the exact same "goals" (they don't ask any more how we followed up on our goals), changed a few sentences here and there and added some classes I took.

Ashley's various heart drama issues have been resolved for now, but she had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to go to Stanford, so she didn't want to go to karaoke. Bummer. I miss having other people to go with, but...yeah. So I didn't go and I did fuckall around the house.

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