Chaos Attraction

Nothing To do But Butter A Cat

2022-01-10, 9:11 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
The Show Won't Go On - 2022-01-15
I Got Into Urinetown - 2022-01-14
This Setup Doesn't Work - 2022-01-13
Oh, THAT's Why I Suck! - 2022-01-12
I Suck - 2022-01-11


Cast list as of November 2019

Went to bed around 11, woke up from 3-6 a.m., blech. Well, at least I could just roll out of bed and go to work. In the middle of the night I wanted to text Scott to try to talk him into auditioning for Urinetown, but I fell better about that once I woke up and did not. What is the point anyway?

Morning meeting: one of my coworkers was all "I took my grandma to the casino..." and then admitted to almost having a gambling problem, and Lioness admitted to watching Yellowstone, saying that "is better than gambling."

Another coworker keeps planning her wedding and is trying and failing to find a taco vendor. Grandboss talked about her wedding and how she didn't really do much besides walk in. "I was like, bring in the stunt bride!" and "Somebody who really wanted to handle that handled that." She also admits to in big meetings, keeping her camera off and folding the laundry. I say, don't judge on my knitting :P

Dianna was out today, Hope said that they were hoping to go to my show on weekend 4. I was all um, the way things are going y'all might to move that up...but I gather Dianna is busy on weekends 2 and 3. I give up.

I apparently have to go in to do the mail because of limited staff, the N95's haven't come in yet, and 5 of the younger part-time employees have Covid. We are to waaaaaaaaaaaaaay keep our distance at the office.

My boss was also out--don't know why--but it was a quiet day. I got some lists to work on and I spent about 80% of my day fixing busted database crap. Ah well, at least it was quiet and I didn't do emails.

I finally got my Amazon package today circa 4:45 p.m.: the required beige tights for the show and, god help me, a pulse oximeter for when the inevitable occurs. That thing was totally busted out of its box, along with the instructions and batteries. What the heck? Oh well, at least it showed up. Supposedly the N95's come tomorrow, we'll see.

No karaoke tonight, no play rehearsal, no nothing to do but get drunk tonight and butter a cat! And I watched a Stitches presentation, which taught me about knitting belts (I guess that exists) and I saw a design class I wanted to take, except it's 6 hours, 3 days, and 8-10 a.m. starting on a Friday. Fuckadoo.

I downloaded some pics. Here is my Chia Pet. Here are photos from The Producers. Here is a hot buttered Jorts.

I talked to Ashley: if she's still positive on Wednesday she's going to the hospital for antibodies or whatever the medication is they give you. She said that Rae and her mom tested negative, and her dad is at karaoke with the gang anyway (SIGH). She did say that NOW the staff have masks on at least...I presume the clientele is not, still.

I talked to Rae, she's doing fine, tested negative, hyped about getting more stuffed animals and going to Chinese New Year.

My therapist canceled for tomorrow so she can drive home, said she's feeling good and her mom's viral load is tiny. Huzzah.

No, Scott didn't sign up to audition. He did text to say his knee was worse (it was acting up Saturday after a week of constant dancing) and said he can't jeopardize the run we're in right now for a show that hasn't even started yet. Then there I went again, trying to talk him into contacting Steve and telling him what's going on (which he probably should anyway if the knee's that bad) and pointing out that only 6 dudes signed up, he'll probably get recruited anyway because they will need to recruit dudes, and they make exceptions all the time, even for dance moves, even with Richard in this show who can't even move very much. I think I've talked him into doing it...HOPEFULLY. Or at least he claimed he'd do it tonight or tomorrow, ahem. WE'LL SEE.

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