Chaos Attraction

The Show Is Going On Again

2022-01-21, 6:48 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Run Freedom Run - 2022-01-26
Taunted In A Chair - 2022-01-25
The Peepee Dance - 2022-01-24
If Someone Wrote Down The Fun Quotes.... - 2022-01-23


Cast list as of November 2019

I'm just so tired of the same fucking shit and same problems and same questions every fucking day at my job. It wasn't even a BAD day, nobody ripped me a new asshole, any of that. I got an hour of peace and quiet when I was on Zoom with my boss while she went through files from the year 2000 going "do we need this?" "Nope." That was the best of the day.


Backstage drama:

The story with Jean is that her best friend broke her humerus off (?!?! whaaaaaat?!?!) and is totally messed up for months and has a severely autistic child that needs constant care, so Jean's been doing that every night. And then one of her sons accidentally stabbed himself with a knife and there was this whole thing about him knowing exactly what to say ("rapid line?") to get past literally everyone else in there with covid, so he got out in an hour.

On the "Jean's having a fun time" scale, somehow she didn't get the call/see Facebook/whatever Saturday night and arrived all prepped for the show and nobody was here, so she had to call Sherilyn to find out the bad news.

One of Other Jennifer's relatives (son-in-law, I think?) is in Our Town in Woodland and her daughter is is Very Unhappy about those clear, not protective masks there and is afraid that he's going to get it/bring it home with that. Other Jennifer also noted that the lights and sound people there got it last week and the cast had to fill in.
Other Jennifer debated getting tested this week, but was told "don't come down here unless you have symptoms, so many people have it you will catch it here." Goddamn. Alexis and I tested negative. As did the entire orchestra, thank god.

Someone yelled "Are you decent?" at the door and got a wiiiiiiiiide variety of smartassed responses.

"How am I doing with my snap crotch?" -Jean

"Where are my granny panties? I'm wearing them." -Dannette
"Every character in the show is crazy." -Alexis

The show shirts are in! Blue and beautiful and make the logos POP! Can't wait to wear it tomorrow.

70 tickets sold tonight, 130 tomorrow, "near sold out" Sunday, out of 238 seats.

They filmed it tonight, which I am SO GLAD ABOUT since now we'll have evidence this show existed and I can show it to my friends.

Sound check and vocal warmups:

"I can't remember my lines." -Sabrina

Jean started talking about coming back and not texting during the show, but selfies are fine!

We had to sing the word "taxi" a lot and Scott acted that out. *

Backstage before the show:

I think Scott asked Isaiah where his lady was, and he's all "E-money? She's in a gang, she can cut you."

Nate then told us all about how he taught in a Christian school and was flashing gang signs at the kids and the kids were all "How do you know gang signs?" and then he started telling them about how he grew up in the "Santa Barbara ghetto." Something about only having a Beemer and a dry spa? I said I wanted to see this show and Scott was all "spinoff from the Californians!"

"Leo is the most normal person in the show." -Sabrina. " Except Dannette." -Jean

"As if this show needs any more boobs than it already has." -Alexis

Sherilyn said her daughter was worried about catching it from a coworker, and Sherilyn said she told her daughter "both of you had masks on, you were washing your hands constantly, and you can't get a test, and you don't have symptoms. Don't worry about it."

The show went well, no major bloopers that I know of. Scott did touch me a bit-- to move me over and held my hand a bit more at the end and did blow me a kiss on stage again. I'm glad that's immortalized, hopefully. He didn't want to go to the party afterwards--said he was feeling a bit injured after having Alexis jump on him and he got pulled on a bit. Maybe tomorrow. He did hug me goodbye and parked next to me.

Stacy says that Music Man requires the old lady granny shoes, which she hates. Kind of another reason not to do it...I don't think I want to do Music Man really except I think I will be stir crazy to do a show at this point and I don't think Woodland is a great option or likely to take me and nowhere else much is doing shows...I'm not Sacramento caliber, not super feeling it to go to one of the far off community colleges, I dunno on their safety protocols anyway...

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