Chaos Attraction

Death Of The Queen

2022--09-08, 9:12 p.m.

What a day. Queen Elizabeth II died today. Sure, she'd been kinda circling the drain, but nobody expected it to go as fast as it did. As someone who got brought up to watch the monarchy as reality television (had to text Mom the bad news today), it's an episode of "The Dull and the Dazzling" that I dreaded. I totally concur that royals are a mixed bag about everything, to say the least, but she had her moments, she had some style, it's the end of an era and we'll never have an English queen in our lifetimes again because men and sexism and wah. I do not look forward to the reign of Charles the Offputting or William The Incandescent. I kinda don't think the monarchy survives those two for George to take over, not that I'd be alive then anyway. Kelly (another royal watcher) and I texted a bit about it, she said she needs to get working on her Queen and Jackie Kennedy play again.

As for work, seriously, I did not care about work today because I was reading about the Queen's death and got quite annoyed at people bugging me within the hour after it happened. No, I don't want to fix a bunch of records now, thankyouverymuch! Come on.

I heard back from Jared at the Craft Center, who wrote a very nice response email...and wants me to come get my stuff already. Sigh.

Rehearsal: this is probably like, the smoothest production ever (Boris said this was like one of his favorite casts). I did cave and not wear my mask for picture taking night (or at least onstage I didn't at least)...I dunno about that decision, but I tested negative today, so has everyone else, so... and I get my shot tomorrow again so maybe I have a hope of not catching it so easily if I go without.

At intermission, Julia said to me, "I just wanted to tell you that I saw your face for the first time and you are BEAUTIFUL" (seriously, like it was capitalized!)." I would have hugged her had I not had a fork on. No one's ever called me that like THAT before. (Wish Scott cared.) It ... really helped of late because I have felt fat-headed, zitty and awful of late, and having my hair up/a mess under hats all week doesn't help that one. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Only issues really going on were (a) Jean (actress) forgot to put her plate on, said it was the worst thing she'd ever done onstage (I said "hey, it's rehearsal night," and she said "It's in the pictures."), (b) Jan forgot to get her platter and wasn't onstage for awhile (but again, rehearsal night), and (c) Steve turned on the smoke machine again for the first time since Producers to cover the Beast's costume change and it fogged up like San Francisco all over the place. One hopes he can fix that, along with the rose, which is still not done. The fork got improved--it still lists to the side but not AS bad, thank goodness. I have to have Jean (costumes) put it on me and I am not taking it off during intermission!

Oh, and Alisa's candle-holding stick finally has candles. And Gaston's photo that he gives to Belle...I had the impression it was going to be like, a small cameo or fake painting of some kind, but Kimmie flashed a picture of Cartoon Gaston and I totally think they should use it. (It looks like they have an actual cheesy photo of Ryan, though.)

Before the show I talked to Felicia, who is ALSO interested in taking the same tap class. So we might do that together. That would be great, actually. We will also both audition for Christmas Carol.

I also heard more about how Alisa and Jared got together--she's said that they were both teaching AND that they were in King and I ("he was the king, I was a harem girl"), and they had a long distance relationship when he worked on a cruise ship AND did a tour of Starlight Express. "We never saw each other, it was a great relationship."

I did ask Jan why she was in shows if she possibly wasn't as into being in shows. Well, Steve's directing, Kmmie's stage managing, she wouldn't have anything else to do in the show, but wanted to be involved...

Kimmie said afterwards that when a kid came to see Peter Pan in fairy wings and told her "I can't fly because I have no pixie dust," she (Kimmie) made some up. So then she had dinglehoppers for Little Mermaid...and this show Beast and Beauty are going to have some kind of kid meet-n-greet and Belle can hand out little mirrors and Beast can hand out roses, and boys/anyone who doesn't want that stuff can get mugs of chocolate. This is adorable. Also, super cute of Kimmie.

On my way out the door I overheard Sage and Jillian (note: age 13) saying they're afraid to drive. I said "yeah, I totally understand that, it took me years to learn, but it really hampers your life not to, so...find a nice instructor who doesn't yell." Hampers your theater career if you can't get places. Sage could presumably manage since they live in this town and this is one of the few places you can get away with not driving, but Jillian's out in the boonies.

Quotes from the dressing room:

Sierra: "Look at our characters, it's OK to be a little extra." "I purposely have been making my voice REALLY whiny and high."

Julia: "Today was the first day I remembered to jump first." "I get Julia Gulia a lot." Also she said she blanked out on the song while Steve was photographing up in her face. "Goddammit, Steve."

Annie mentioned the joys of someone being all "Is this food rotten? Eat it! Hey, does this milk smell off to you?" NOPE.

Steve: "If we start at 8, we end at the same time. If we start at 9, we end at the same time." (Which is to say, after 10.)

Overheard, unclear who, post-Be Our Guest: "I can't move, I can't move..." "I hit you in the tits."

Alisa: "Jared's fingers keep falling off." Jan: "Another rose falls off, and a finger falls off."

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